
Supporting students’ academic performance, classroom engagement, college and career goals, and overall well-being are the focus of these evidence-based programs in place at Auer Avenue School.

During-School Tutoring Program

MPS is committed to fostering student success by providing supports and ensuring that students have ample opportunities to improve their academic achievement.

Students who struggle to meet math or literacy learning goals can access one-on-one or small-group tutoring during the school day through MPS Extended Learning Opportunities available at Auer Avenue School.

Danceworks Mad Hot Rhythm

Teaching artists from Danceworks provide two weekly one-hour dance classes for 18 weeks – 36 total hours of dance instruction for participating fifth-grade students, who work together to create performing art. Each year, Mad Hot Rhythm culminates with a city-wide competition and school performances.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Milwaukee Public Schools uses PBIS to promote positive student behavior. After years of use, districts across the country — MPS included — are reporting increases in student achievement, more positive school environments, and fewer classroom disruptions and disciplinary referrals.

PBIS uses a three-tiered approach. Tier one teaches expectations to all students and promotes collaboration and consistency in the classroom: Teachers and students co-design agreements and routines that align with school expectations. Tiers two and three provide structure, interventions, and follow up for students who need more support.


The nonprofit, STRYV365, cultivates resilient-based mindsets with youth and the community by combining sports, social emotional learning, education and activities at Auer Avenue School.

Wisconsin Bike Fed

The Bike Fed has educated more than 50,000 students through its Safe Routes to School programming in communities across Wisconsin. At Auer Avenue:

  • K4 through third-grade students participate in the Walking Wisdom pedestrian safety program.
  • Fourth and fifth graders receive a helmet when they complete the Bike Fed’s bicycle safety program.