Bradley Tech Commission

Established in 1999 by representatives of Bradley Tech, Milwaukee Area Technical College, and UW-Milwaukee, the Bradley Tech Commission provides operational oversight of Lynde and Harry Bradley Technology and Trade School.

Commissioners are representatives of Milwaukee’s leading education, corporate, industry, and employment entities, and city government.

Contact Principal and Commissioner Aaron Shapiro at for more information about the Bradley Tech Commission. Greater Milwaukee Committee President Joel Brennan chairs the commission, effective summer 2024. Welcome, Chairman Brennan.

Commission History

In May 1999, an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Milwaukee Area Technical College, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Milwaukee Public Schools established an entity known as the Bradley Tech Commission to provide operational oversight of Bradley Tech. As presently constituted, the Commission also includes representatives of the Milwaukee Labor Council, the Building Trades Council, MTEA, and the Greater Milwaukee Committee. In addition, the mayor of Milwaukee, the TECH alumni association, WRTP, the School Council and the Bradley Tech Foundation have appointed representatives to the Commission. Together, these commissioners provide direction, support and resources to the school.

The Commission functions as three committees. The Finance Committee oversees the school’s budget, recommends incremental funding requirements to the district and solicits additional funding and support through the Bradley Tech Foundation, a 501c(3) affiliate of the Commission. The Personnel Committee assesses additional human capital requirements and recruits talent to support the principal and staff provided by the district. The Education Standards Committee oversees and recommends performance standards and educational pathways to post-secondary institutions and programming. The collective goal of these committees is to ensure that resources, programs and relationships exist to support the principal and staff in delivering the best technical and trade educational experience to the students of Bradley Tech.

The Commission is committed to partnering with the community, parents, businesses, alumni and others to deliver the best education and trade/technical experiences to our students. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure that Bradley Tech students are prepared for college and career upon graduation.

Dr. Vicki Martin, Bradley Tech Commission Chair
July, 2017

Thank You, Dr. Martin

The Bradley Tech Commission is grateful to Dr. Vicki Martin for her service as Commission Chairwoman from 2010 until her retirement from the presidency of Milwaukee Area Technical College in 2024. Congratulations, Dr. Martin.