In the Bradley Tech community, our Violence Free Zone (VFZ) partnership with the Milwaukee Christian Center has produced measurable decreases in violent and non-violent incidents and suspensions.
How VFZ Works
The goal of the VFZ initiative is to reduce violence and disruptions in schools and prepare students for learning.
Central to the program are the Youth Advisors, mature young adults who are from the same neighborhoods as the students in the schools they serve. The Youth Advisors command respect because they have faced and overcome the same challenges as the students. Carefully screened, hired, and managed by Milwaukee Christian Center, the Youth Advisors work in the schools as hall monitors, mediators, and character coaches, and they mentor high risk students who often are responsible for disruptions.
Founding organization, the Woodson Center, provides training in the Violence Free Zone national model as well as technical assistance, administrative and financial oversight, and linkages to sources of support.
To learn more about the Bradley Tech Violence Free Zone, reach out to a member of the Bradley Tech counseling department.