This is my fifth year in the principal’s office. Whether you’re visiting Craig in person or you’re visiting our website, the first thing I need to do – what I am proudest to do – is talk about our teachers. In the Montessori world, teachers are “guides” who educate by example, empathy, and encouragement. Our guides are deeply experienced, qualified, and they are credentialed to teach Montessori. These qualities are essential to creating classroom environments that nurture a child’s independence, creativity, and intellectual curiosity. Here’s another thing to know about our guides: They put children first every day. In this building, we are inspired by Montessori and united in providing the best experience for your child(ren).
Let me be truly honest: We are a teacher-led, collaborative community. I consider myself part of a team even though my job title is “principal.” We all wear many hats here, including the “parent” hat. I am one of many Craig staff members who trust this school with my child’s education. “Trust” is a big word in Craig’s vocabulary. Children are trusted to pursue academic interests and research that speaks to their unique learning style and abilities – supported by guides, supplied with specially crafted Montessori learning materials and hands-on lessons. In our multi-age classroom “environments,” children learn with and from each other, developing compassion for self and others, nature, and society. It might take some time for your child to find their “hook,” that lesson or concept that ignites a lifelong passion for learning, but they will. Maybe it will be a botany lesson in our greenhouse or creating a timeline of life with a classmate. It could be a field experience out in the community — visiting an art gallery or stargazing on an overnight adventure at Nature’s Classroom Institute. Every conversation, each lesson is an opportunity for your child to grow into who they are meant to become.
Maria Montessori knew what she was doing, and so do our guides and staff at Craig Montessori School. Please join us as a parent or caregiver, become a volunteer and advocate. We are community, all connected at Craig Montessori School.
Yolanda Tooks – principal, parent, and team player
Craig Montessori School