Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for families to start planning fun summer activities! Milwaukee Public Schools is again offering Summer Academy, and registration is open now. Summer Academy provides Milwaukee youth with exciting adventures,...
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Fernwood Family Newsletter #27, 3/11/25
FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #27, 3/11/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Please Consider a Donation: Conference Snacks LOST AND FOUND Classroom Placements for 24-25 School Year Proposed Raised Crosswalk...
New MPS Superintendent Begins March 15
The Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved the contract for the next superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools, Dr. Brenda Cassellius, in a special meeting Tuesday, March 4. Dr. Cassellius, who was selected by the board in February after an extensive public...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #26, 3/4/25
FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #26, 3/4/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Drop off and Pick Up information Announcing Our New Camp Director Meet Dr. Brenda Cassellius at the DAC Meeting on 3/6 Fernwood Summer Camp Interest...
MPS Rolls Out Bus App to Help Families Track Their Child’s Bus
MPS has an exciting announcement for families with children who ride the school bus! Families now have access to an app called WheresTheBus. This app allows families to track their child’s bus in real time. WheresTheBus lets families know precisely when their child’s...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #24, 2/18/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #24, 2/18/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CONFERENCE SIGN UPS Gifted and Talented Fair Celebrating...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #27, 3/7/23
Fernwood Family Newsletter #27, 3/7/23
~Wednesday, March 8th, 5:45pm, PTO Meeting, Library &
~Wednesday, March 8th, 6pm PAC Meeting, Fernwood Community Room &
~Monday, March 13th & Wednesday, March 15th, 3pm-645pm, Family Teacher Conferences
~Friday, March 17th & Monday, March 20th, No School
~Friday, March 24th, 5:45pm, PTO Movie Night, School Gym, K3-3rd grade families
~Monday, March 27th, 5:30pm, SEC Meeting,
~Monday, March 27th, 5:00pm, Music Parents Meeting, Library & virtual
~April 3-7th, Spring Break, No school
~Monday, April 10th, School Resumes
Family Teacher Conferences
The sign up genius for Family/Teacher Conferences (K3-6th) is now closed. If you need to schedule a conference or change a conference time, please contact the teacher.
Free childcare will be available in room 9 (near the cafeteria) during conferences.
Secondary (7th-8th) Conferences: Secondary (7th/8th grade) conferences will be on a walk in basis. No appointments will be scheduled. Families will wait in line to see the teachers with which they would like to meet. You will be able to meet with any of the four teachers your student works with for 5 minutes. The teachers and the content they teach are as follows: Mr. Ray, Sustainability; Ms.Davis, Social Studies; Ms. Zimmers, Math; Mx. Botsford, Language Arts.
All secondary conferences on March 13 and 15 will be held in the gym.
Ms. Davis will be attending a conference in March and therefore offering family teacher conferences at a different time. She will be available for walk-in conferences on Monday, March 6th and Wednesday, March 8th from 3-6:45pm: Conferences with Ms. Davis will be held in her classroom, room 151
Rainbow Book Fair During Conferences
We are excited to announce that Rainbow Books will be hosting a book fair in the Community Room Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of conference week. There will be a great selection of books from this locally owned book seller. Teachers will be able to create wish lists of books they would like to have for their classrooms. A portion of the sales will help out the Fernwood PTO. Flyer
Book Fair Hours: Monday 2:30-7pm
Tuesday 2:30-5:30pm
Wednesday 2:30-7pm
Fernwood’s Community Room is located on the same floor as the office. The Community Room entrance is across from room 17 and room 11.
We will need lots of family volunteers to help out with the book fair. There are options to help with set up/ take down on Monday and Thursday mornings and to work a short shift during the sale. Please click on the link to sign up for a shift. Rainbow Book Fair Volunteer
Spirit Wear
Spirit wear orders went home last week with students. Thank you so much for placing your orders. If there are any problems with your order please reach out to our Dunns Sporting Goods representative, Mark Kalz. His email is He will work to resolve any issues.
PTO Movie Night: Sing 2
Fernwood families of K3-3rd grade students are invited to a movie night at Fernwood on Friday, March 24th. Sing 2 will be shown in the Fernwood gym. Families can bring blankets to sit and snacks to munch on. This event is hosted by the PTO and is free. Fernwood secondary (7th/8th) grade students will be selling popcorn. Adults must stay with their students for this event. Doors open at 5:45pm and the movie starts at 6pm.
Camp Fernwood Updates
Wrap Around Camp at Fernwood currently has a few openings for any K3-K4 children. Wrap Around Camp runs from 10:20 AM until 2:20 PM Monday through Friday. If you would like to enroll your child, please contact Michelle Stehlik at
Families of children in grades 5K – 6th grade should receive a Summer Camp Fernwood Interest Form in their class folders on Tuesday, Feb. 28th. Please complete the form and return it to the Main Office or Michelle Stehlik by March 15th, 2023. Forms can also be emailed to Completing this form does not guarantee a spot in Summer Camp Fernwood. Camp Fernwood will be open from June 16th through July 28th. Summer Camp Interest Form
Thank you to Classic Slice
Thank you to Classic Slice for hosting the Fernwood fundraiser last week. We hope everyone had a chance to enjoy some delicious pizza. Thank you to Marisa Lange and the Classic Slice team for your generosity toward the Fernwood community.
Snacks for Teachers on Conference Nights
Our teachers work hard during the long conference days. The PTO would like to provide them with some yummy snacks to fuel their brains and their hearts on the Monday and Wednesday of conferences. Please click on the link below to sign up to bring a snack for our staff. Donations can be dropped off in care of Jenni in the school office on the morning of Monday, March 13th. Teacher Snack Sign Up
Order Your Yearbook
It is time to order your 22-23 yearbook. All yearbook sales will be online only though the Lifetouch website. Yearbooks are $12. Yearbook sales will be through pre order only. We expect yearbooks to be delivered at the end of May.
To order a yearbook, please go to Fernwood’s yearbook ID code is 14852523. (If you have already ordered a yearbook through Lifetouch for this school year, no need to take any additional action.)
Thank you to Amanda Lavoe, Fernwood parent, for volunteering to create our yearbook.
Community Conversation Sessions
MPS will be hosting quarterly virtual community conversations to strengthen communication and collaboration across the Milwaukee community. We will spend time in breakout rooms holding a discussion with participants. All community conversations will be held virtually from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Wednesday March 15, 2023: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support • Wednesday May 17, 2023: Pre-college and Summer Activities
Participants are encouraged to register in advance and submit any questions they would like to see addressed. Please also reach out to Jenni at if you plan to attend.
Humboldt Park Easter Egg Hunt
On Saturday, March 25th, Humboldt Park is hosting a free Easter egg hunt. There will be opportunities to take pictures with the Easter bunny and an opportunity to purchase a pancake breakfast. Please click on the flyer for more information. Humboldt Park Egg Hunt
Each month, MPS provides a list of recommended books for preschool through grade 12 that allows students to see themselves, explore other cultures, and discover more about the world in which they live. Help ignite a passion for reading! Access the March book list on the MPS Reads page.