Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for families to start planning fun summer activities! Milwaukee Public Schools is again offering Summer Academy, and registration is open now. Summer Academy provides Milwaukee youth with exciting adventures,...
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Fernwood Family Newsletter #27, 3/11/25
FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #27, 3/11/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Please Consider a Donation: Conference Snacks LOST AND FOUND Classroom Placements for 24-25 School Year Proposed Raised Crosswalk...
New MPS Superintendent Begins March 15
The Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved the contract for the next superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools, Dr. Brenda Cassellius, in a special meeting Tuesday, March 4. Dr. Cassellius, who was selected by the board in February after an extensive public...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #26, 3/4/25
FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #26, 3/4/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Drop off and Pick Up information Announcing Our New Camp Director Meet Dr. Brenda Cassellius at the DAC Meeting on 3/6 Fernwood Summer Camp Interest...
MPS Rolls Out Bus App to Help Families Track Their Child’s Bus
MPS has an exciting announcement for families with children who ride the school bus! Families now have access to an app called WheresTheBus. This app allows families to track their child’s bus in real time. WheresTheBus lets families know precisely when their child’s...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #24, 2/18/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #24, 2/18/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CONFERENCE SIGN UPS Gifted and Talented Fair Celebrating...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #37, 5/23/23
Fernwood Family Newsletter #37, 5/23/23
~Tuesday, May 23rd, 5:30-7pm, Parent Education: Montessori Transitions, Virtual
~Friday, May 26 and Monday, May 29th, No School
~Monday, June 5th, No School
~Thursday, June 8th, 5:30pm, PAC Meeting, South Shore Beer Garden
~Friday, June 9, 12-2pm, Field Day, West Playground, (1st-6th grade)
~Sunday, June 11th, 11am-3pm, Fernwood Flights, Sugar Maple
~Thursday, June 15th, Last Day of School
Next Newsletter, June 6th
There will be no Fernwood Family Newsletter distributed on May 30th. The next newsletter will be available on June 6th.
Fernwood Parent Education Transition Night: Tonight!
Tuesday, May 23rd will be our parent education night around student transitions to the next level. This applies to families who have current K5’s (please attend the Lower Elementary session), 3rd graders (please attend the Upper Elementary session), and 6th graders (please attend the Secondary session). Families are welcome to attend any of the sessions. Recordings will be provided in the parent newsletter after the meetings if you are unable to make the session. During the sessions, you will watch a short video explaining more about the transition from a few of our amazing teachers, receive some additional information about what to expect next year, and will be able to ask questions you might have. Please see the session times and links below:
Lower Elementary (1st-3rd), 5:30pm-6:00pm-
Upper Elementary (4th-6th), 6:05pm-6:35pm-
Secondary (7th and 8th), 6:40pm-7:10pm-
Please reach out to Jenni Navidad with any questions at
ChromeBook Collection Days
Students in Primary, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary should plan to bring their school-issued ChromeBook and charger back to Fernwood on the following days to be checked in:
Tuesday, May 30th: Lower Elementary (1st-3rd) collection
Wednesday, May 31st: Upper Elementary (4th-6th) collection
Thursday,June 1st: Primary (K3-K5) collection
Friday,June 2nd: Additional day
Adolescent students (7th/8th) will turn their Chromebooks and chargers in on June 14th.
Field Day
Field day for our 1st through 6th grade students will be on Friday, June 9th on the West playground. We are looking for lots of volunteers for this fun event. Please click on the link below to volunteer. We will start setting up around 11:45am and the event will end around 2:15pm.
We are also looking for donations of icee pops so all of our students can have a frozen treat. Please send any icee pop donations (unfrozen) to Jenni in the office by June 2nd.
Thank you to Sally Siegel for running the field day show for the 10+ year in a row!
Medication Pick Up
If your child currently has prescription or non-prescription medication available to him/her at school. Please stop by the main office on or before the last day of school (June 15th) to pick up your child’s medication.
If your child will need medication at school during the 2023-2024 school year new forms will need to be filled out by you and your child’s doctor. Copies of the necessary paperwork will be provided to you when you pick up your child’s medication at school.
If your child uses an asthma inhaler, he/she will need new medication, but can reuse the same spacer. When you see the doctor, please also ask him/her to complete an Asthma Care Plan. Return it to school with the inhaler, the spacer and the permission.
If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to call me at (414) 294-1388 or (414) 294-1953. Thanks and have a wonderful summer.
Gretchen Kuhnen, RN, BSN, School Nurse
After School Playground Time
While on the East playground for after school pick up, please make sure that students are being respectful of our school grounds. Remind students to stay out of the garden areas and to not climb the trees. If students are scootering, make sure they are aware of other adults and students waiting with their teachers. Please do not walk through the staff parking lot. There are many adults and kids on the playground during this time period and we want everyone to be safe.
Thank You PTO!
The PTO provides up to $250 each year for our teachers to purchase supplies that they need for their classrooms. Thank you for your support of the PTO.
“Thank you SO much to the PTO for their generous donations again this year to teachers. With my PTO money, I was able to buy an entire set of quality magnetic dry erase boards to use with my K5s. We use these often to practice handwriting along with lots of other academic skills. In addition, I bought a complete set of daily number talk task cards to implement next year to sharpen number sense in my students. I was also able to purchase some fun hands-on materials that our younger learners can enjoy too to practice their math skills and fine motor pincer grasp. Thanks again for your generosity!” ~Ms. Lisa McLure, Primary (K3-K5)
“Thank you PTO for your generous support of classrooms. I was able to buy some special art supplies such as papyrus paper and gold paint pens for an Egyptian project for history. I also use the money to keep our class tortoise comfortable with bedding and light bulbs. I truly appreciate that we can be reimbursed for these things that are not part of the regular curriculum. Small purchases add up fast and it is great to have some funds to spend.” ~Ms.Lisa Balistreri-Geib, Lower Elementary (1st-3rd)
“Thank you so much! With funds you provided, I was able to purchase beautiful fabric to decorate our classrooms and hallways, fish and plants for mini-aquaponics kits, bead chain repair supplies, sewing supplies, and folders for professional development. With great appreciation from Fernwood’s School Support Teacher.” ~Ms. Elaina Sullivan
“Thank you to the Fernwood PTO for helping to fund additional cleaning supplies for our daily classroom lunch period. We have enjoyed organizational supplies to help keep our classroom neat and tidy. In addition, our beloved class pet, Cheerios, appreciates fresh bedding on a regular basis. Finally, the funds were also used for art supplies for various projects throughout the year. Thank you, thank you!” ~Ms. Natasha Posey, Lower Elementary (1st-3rd)
“Thank you, PTO, for continuing your generosity at Fernwood Montessori. This year, I purchased materials and activities to help our students practice teamwork, cooperation, and turn-taking in a small group setting. I was also able to restock “student favorite” emotional regulation tools. So far, the response to these new additions has been enthusiastically positive! Thank you for continuing to help me support our kids.” ~Ms. Tracy Redlich, School Psychologist
“PTO funds were used this year to purchase a formal reading inventory I learned about in training, to help gather more data about students for instruction and IEP writing in this area. I also bought a wonderful collection of mythology stories for our genre studies as well as new student magnetic dry erase boards for small group work. Thank you, PTO for allowing us to supplement our rooms with specifically chosen materials that add to the daily experiences our students have with us at Fernwood!” Ms. Michelle Wright, Special Education
Lost and Found Clean Out
Our lost and found is bursting at the seams with lost items. Items that are labeled are returned to students in their classroom. Please come and check to see if any of the lost items are yours. Any remaining items will be donated on June 2nd.
Fernwood’s lost and found is located in the ground level next to the cafeteria. It is on the East side of the building, under stairwell one.
Fernwood Flights
We invite you to a fun afternoon for parents and other special people to meet and socialize with each other, celebrate the end of a fantastic school year, and raise money to help keep Fernwood Montessori thriving. “Fernwood Flights” serves as the Fernwood Fund’s most significant annual fundraiser, enabling us to offer additional financial support to the school in order to counteract public funding budget cuts and ensure the highest quality education for Fernwood Montessori students. Over the past three years the Fernwood Fund has invested over $45,000 into the school and it’s only possible because of support from our families and communities.
Buy your tickets now at:
Milwaukee Repertory Theater: Summer Youth Program
In partnership with Milwaukee Recreation, Milwaukee Repertory Theater is proud to offer 2023 Saturday Youth Theater Workshops! This series of FREE theater workshops, taught by professional Milwaukee Rep teaching artists, is created specifically for the young artists in your life to feel creative, connected, and engaged this summer. This 10-week series of drama-filled fun will take place every Saturday from June 3rd, 2023 to August 12th, 2023 (no class on Saturday, July 1st) at four different partner locations. See below for a detailed description and schedule of each location’s offerings:
Center Street Library – 2727 W. Fon Du Lac Ave, Milwaukee, WI
- 10:00AM-11:00AM -Breakfast/ Lunch
- We are pleased to offer a FREE meal to all participants before class!
- 11:00AM-12:00PM – Page to Stage
- Ages 12-18
- Pick up your pens and get ready to play, because it’s YOUR turn to write the script! In “Page to Stage,” you’ll create your own original performance pieces using text from your favorite books, poems, articles and more straight from Center Street Library. Improve your improv, develop story-telling skills, and explore your creativity with a group of peers!
COA Goldin Center – 2320 W Burleigh St, Milwaukee, WI
- 12:30PM-1:30PM – Lunch
- We are pleased to offer a FREE meal to all participants before class!
- 1:30PM-2:30PM – Ready? Set? PLAY!
- Ages 7-12
- Are you interested in theater? Do you like to play games? Do you want to have FUN? If you answered “Yes!” to all three of these questions, Ready? Set? PLAY! is the perfect place for you. Each week will focus on a different element of theater – storytelling, improv, dance/movement, and more – and students will engage in a variety of activities around that topic. This class series is perfect for young people new to the stage or who are exploring new interests!
- Greenfield Bilingual School – 1711 S 35th Street, Milwaukee, WI
- 10:00AM-11:00AM – Superhero Academy
- Ages 7-11
- It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s YOU learning all about the world of theater! Join us for 10 weeks of creating, storytelling, and taking on the roles of superheroes through fun drama games and activities.
- 11:00AM-11:30AM – Lunch
- We are pleased to offer a FREE meal to all participants in between classes!
- 11:30AM-12:30PM – Spooky Summer Ghost Stories
- Ages 10-13
- Spooky Summer Ghost Stories participants will go on a creepy, chilling, and all around FUN adventure of scenes and songs in this theater workshop series with a focus on character work. Come explore ghostly lands and meet some silly, spooky, spine-chilling creatures along the way!
- Students will work toward a short play that will be presented for family and friends during the final day of class.
Fernwood Montessori – 3239 S Pennsylvania Ave, Milwaukee, WI
- 1:00PM-1:30PM – Lunch
- We are pleased to offer a FREE meal to all participants before classes!
- 1:30PM-2:30PM – A Pirate’s Life for Me
- Ages 7-11
- Yaaaargh gonna love this class! Come explore uncharted lands, find buried treasure, and yo-ho the time away at A Pirate’s Life for Me. Set sail for 10 weeks of treasure maps, silly sea monsters, and more — the story is yours to steer!
- 2:30PM-3:30PM – Adventures in Wonderland
- Ages 10-13
- Adventures in Wonderland participants will go on an adventure down the rabbit hole with the ever-curious Alice to a land of zany adventures where nothing is as it seems. This theater workshop series with a focus on character work will re-introduce you to all your favorite friends from Lewis Carroll’s beloved books to make these 10 weeks magical, tuneful, and over-the-top entertaining for all!
- Students will work toward a short play that will be presented for family and friends during the final day of class.
Please note that registration for classes is capped at 35 students. Registrations will be honored on a first come, first served basis.
For more information and to have folks sign up TODAY, please CLICK HERE. If the hyperlink does not work, students can register with this link:
Seeking SEC Members for 23-24 School Year
Fernwood has a School Engagement Council (SEC). This is a group at every MPS school that brings together families, staff, students, and community to work to support and inform shared leadership, equity, and cultural relevance resulting in increased student achievement. Discussion topics include school budget, test scores, and ways to improve our school.
We meet one time per month. Meetings are usually held virtually the last Monday of the month at 5:30pm.
While any family member is welcome to attend any meeting, we are looking for a couple of family members to join the SEC board. Board members are asked for a two year, one time per month commitment. Please reach out to Jenni at if you are interested in joining the SEC for the next school year.
Volunteer Renewal for 23-24 School Year
Thank you to all of our amazing family members who have gone through the process to become an MPS volunteer. Our school wide volunteers bring so much time, talent and amazing energy to our school.
All currently approved volunteers will need to reapply to continue to be a volunteer for the next school year. The renewal requests will be processed in late July and then volunteers will be approved to start in Fall.
Volunteer Renewal Form Link:
Signature Dance Company
- MPS has partnered with Signature Dance Company to offer FREE Saturday dance classes for MPS students ages 6-17. The cost for non-MPS students is $5.
When? Every Saturday from 1pm-3pm until July 31st. (Lunch included!)
Where? 527 N. 27th st Milwaukee, WI, 53208
Registration? Online at Free Saturday Dance Class
- Signature Dance Company has spots available for our annual Summer Arts Intensive Camp for girls ages 6-17. Camp participants will learn ballet, hip-hop, jazz, african, tap, and voice/theater!
When? Monday-Friday | 9am-5pm | June 20th-July 28th. (Breakfast and lunch are provided!)
Where? Broadway Theatre Center | 158 N Broadway St, Milwaukee, WI, 53202
Registration? Please visit Signature’s Summer Arts Intensive for more information and to register.
2023-24 School Calendar
Fernwood Montessori follows the traditional MPS school calendar. The school calendar for the 23-24 school year is available on the MPS website and linked here.
Run Back to School
Register for the 16th Annual Run Back to School
It’s that time of year again to register for the Run Back to School! Last year, Fernwood won the $1000 grant by having the most registrations of any school in MPS. We were able to use that money to purchase new playground equipment, including a basketball hoop for the primary students on the east playground. This 5K Fun Run/1.5 Mile Walk on Saturday, August 26 serves to fund MPS youth recreation and wellness programs across the district. See all pertinent details in the flyer attached. Please contact Lisa McLure, Team Captain, if you have any questions at
Summer Academy at Fernwood
Fernwood Montessori will be hosting a Montessori Summer Academy. Summer Academy is open Monday-Friday, June 26-July 28 from 8am-12pm. (Closed July 3 and 4) Students will be able to connect with their Montessori learning in new ways while engaging in this fun program. Summer Academy is free. Students who have completed K5 through 8th grade are eligible to attend. Register by June 5th. For more information and to register, visit
Fernwood Experience Day
On May 24th, 2023 Fernwood Montessori will be holding an Experience Day. We kindly ask that all students bring a cold lunch to school this day, since there will be many moving pieces during lunch (we will of course have hot lunches available if students need to order one, as always).
During Experience Day, students in K5, 3rd grade and 6th grade will have the opportunity to visit a classroom for a few hours at the next level to gain understanding about what their next classroom may look like and feel like, and will be welcomed by a student ambassador well established within that classroom community. Please note that we have paired teachers up for Experience Day, and the classrooms that students will visit have no bearing on their classroom placement for the fall. The purpose of this day is to help students feel comfortable and safe in their transition to the next level, while also building leadership skills in students who will be remaining in their classrooms next year.
Students in K4 will be invited by their primary teacher to attend school for a full-day. Teachers will communicate with parents about a schedule.
Please reach out to your child’s teacher with any question