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Enroll Today for a Fun-Filled Summer with MPS Summer Academy!

Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for families to start planning fun summer activities! Milwaukee Public Schools is again offering Summer Academy, and registration is open now. Summer Academy provides Milwaukee youth with exciting adventures,...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #27, 3/11/25

  FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #27, 3/11/25 _________________________________________   TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Please Consider a Donation: Conference Snacks LOST AND FOUND Classroom Placements for 24-25 School Year Proposed Raised Crosswalk...

New MPS Superintendent Begins March 15

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved the contract for the next superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools, Dr. Brenda Cassellius, in a special meeting Tuesday, March 4. Dr. Cassellius, who was selected by the board in February after an extensive public...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #26, 3/4/25

FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #26, 3/4/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Drop off and Pick Up information Announcing Our New Camp Director Meet Dr. Brenda Cassellius at the DAC Meeting on 3/6 Fernwood Summer Camp Interest...

MPS Rolls Out Bus App to Help Families Track Their Child’s Bus

MPS has an exciting announcement for families with children who ride the school bus! Families now have access to an app called WheresTheBus. This app allows families to track their child’s bus in real time. WheresTheBus lets families know precisely when their child’s...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #24, 2/18/25

`   FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #24, 2/18/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________   TABLE OF CONTENTS   SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CONFERENCE SIGN UPS Gifted and Talented Fair Celebrating...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #10, 10/31/23

October 31, 2023 | News, Newsletter

Fernwood Family Newsletter #10, 10/31/23 

~Thursday, November 2, 2023, 5:30 pm, PAC Meeting, Virtual 

~Friday, November 10th, No School

~Tuesday, November 14, 2023 6:30pm, Fernwood Fund Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual-email for meeting link

~Thursday, November 16, 2023 6:30pm, Music Parents Meeting,Virtual

~Thursday, November 21, 2023, 6:00pm, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual

~Monday, November 27, 2023, 5:30pm, SEC Meeting, virtual


Link to Fernwood Family-School Manual 2023-2024: Family-School Manual 2023 2024 SY.docx


Fernwood Spirit Wear Fundraiser!

The Fernwood PAC is sponsoring a clothing sale to promote all our sports and activities!  Show your school spirit by cheering on your kids in fancy new swag!  Proceeds raised will be used to support extracurricular activities that promote opportunities and experiences that enhance the Fernwood experience.  Past PAC contributions include the gaga pit, volleyball equipment, balls and equipment for sports, scoreboard in the gym and lots and lots of uniforms for all sports.  Current discussions have centered around possible playground equipment, coaching kits and as always we will consider any request!   Items will be delivered to the school.  Scan the QR Code below or follow this link to purchase!  THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!


Early Dismissal After 2pm

We request that families do not pick up students between 2-2:25pm.  The main office gets very busy during this time and early dismissals are hard to execute after 2pm.  If you need to pick up a student early, please do so before 2pm.  


Camp Fernwood is Hiring!

Camp Fernwood is hiring for 2 Assistant Directors and Classroom Instructors Monday through Friday from 2:20PM until 5:30PM. Recently restructured, starting pay is competitive and based on experience and education. Please contact Cynthia Cruz and Kristy Lowell at and if you are interested in getting more information.


Jewelry Found on Playground

Some jewelry in a box was found on the playground.  Please reach out to Ms. Meredith at if you would like to claim it.


Attention Skiers, Snowboarders, and Yetis!

Can pirates ski?  We are going to find out!

Please see the letter below for information and registration for Fernwood Ski Club!

Fernwood Ski Club-23/24


Toys for Tots

Please see below for information on how to get your child registered to receive gifts from Toys for Tots.  Registration opens on October 30th.


Forensics Kick Off Meeting

Greetings families of 6th-8th grade students!  Does your young person have a flair for the dramatic, a love of verbal communication, seems to enjoy commanding the attention of a crowd? Or, does your young person want to conquer a fear of public speaking?  Then they should consider being a part of Fernwood’s Fantastic Forensics Family!! Forensics is a Milwaukee Recreation program, so students may be involved in this program in addition to an afterschool club.  

We will be having an informational meeting for interested scholars and families on Thursday, Nov. 16th from 5:30- 6:30pm via Google Meet ( )

You will learn what Forensics is, some of the categories, the commitment involved and about volunteer opportunities.  Hope you see many of you there! Please email Mx. Botsford ( with any questions. 


A Note From Mr. Trey 

Hello Camp Fernwood families,

After having received questions and concerns about the news received from Michelle Stehlik recently, I wanted to formally announce my departure from Fernwood’s camp program as assistant director.

I was recently offered a full-time reading tutor position through another program called One on One Learning and have decided to take on the opportunity. I also currently teach Spanish part time and have sought to get more into art and/or teaching-related jobs. Since I wouldn’t be able to do two full-time jobs simultaneously, I won’t be able to continue working as Assistant Director for the Camp Fernwood. 

I have learned so much while working for Milwaukee Recreation and my departure from the program is going to be bittersweet. I am thankful for having the opportunity to work at Camp Fernwood and I would like to wish everyone the best in the program. I thoroughly enjoyed entertaining and working with the kids in the program and hope the camp can flourish as time goes on. 

Although I will no longer be in the camp program, I will still be tutoring at Fernwood, so this isn’t goodbye to the school.

Thank you all for your best wishes, kindness, and understanding!

Trey Savage


Interim Grades 

Interim Grades are now available on Infinite Campus.  


Fernwood Fund Gifts via United Way

You can designate a gift to the Fernwood Fund through your employer’s United Way Giving Campaign.

Please contact the Fernwood Fund at for directions on how to donate.

Donating directly to the Fernwood Fund is also an option, and a bit easier!  Learn more about the Fund and how to donate directly via its website   


Parking Reminder with UPDATES

Fernwood would like to remind families that the bus lane (the northern side of E Falling Heath Place) is for buses only.  Students should be dropped off on other lanes/streets.


Please be mindful that our camp students use both the east and west playgrounds afterschool until 5:30pm.  We ask that students defer to our camp staff and students during this time.  This includes being respectful when asked to free up space and/or an activity.


If you drive and park at school, please be mindful of our neighbors on Falling Heath and other streets.  The school has gotten some complaints from neighbors about lawn damage due to parking.  Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.


Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Requests Input 

DPI wants to hear from you, a valued stakeholder, on what schools and districts need to reach our vision of “Engaged learners creating a better Wisconsin together.”  The information you provide will be included in a report to the Wisconsin DPI Office of State Superintendent to inform DPI on how best to advance equitable, transformative, and sustainable educational experiences that develop learners, schools, libraries, and communities in Wisconsin.  Please use the link to complete the survey.


Learn To Speed Skate at The Pettit

Did you know The Pettit is one of only two indoor long-track speed skating facilities in the country?  And The Petitt is only 13-minutes from Fernwood?  Registration is now open for Youth Skating and Learn To Speed Skate lessons.  The Learn to Speed Skate program teaches students progressively more difficult moves through six levels of skating for short-track or long-track skating.  The first class is used to gauge their skill/ability and place them with the best class for the remainder of the lessons.  Classes are open to all ages 3+ to adult.  Speed skate rental is available, or participants can bring their own hockey or figure skates.  All lessons take place on the 400m Oval which is home to an official Olympic Training Facility.  

Age: 3 to Adult.  3+ Tot ‘N Me.  4+ for other programs.  6+ for Learn To Speed Skate.

Coordinator: Carolyn Spiewak, Director of Speed Skating,      Fernwood Parent:  Ryan Lent, 

Instructor:   Pettit National Ice Center Staff

Cost: $99 per session

  Session #2 Dates:  Nov. 7 – Dec. 21 (Tuesdays or Thursdays at 6:15pm)

  Session #3 Dates:  Jan. 9 – Feb. 13 (Tuesdays or Thursdays at 6:15pm)

  Location:  Pettit National Ice Center, 500 S. 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214



Announcing 2023-2024 Fall/Winter Clubs

We’re excited to announce the after school clubs for the 2023-2024 school year. These are in addition to more sports and offers through the Recreation Department. We were able to offer these clubs this year thanks to ESSER II Extracurricular Engagement grants.  Thank you to the following club leaders for their extra efforts this year. 


Families please sign up for one club maximum in Fall/Winter, as the club sizes are small compared to the size of our school. Enrollment will be accepted on a first-come first basis. Thank you for your interest and signing up for only one club per season. You can contact the club leader if you have more questions. Most clubs will run 10 weeks.  Spring Clubs will be announced in January/February.  


Links to sign up are activated below.

ABAR Club (Enroll Here)

Grade level: 4th-8th

Coordinator: Kat Toman
Beginning: 10/26-3/21

Thursday 2:30-3:30

Max: 15*

Location: Room 251

This is a student-led anti-bias/anti-racism group. We will be examining the biases we all have and work to dismantle them. This will be partially student-led, and students may decide to share their work with other classes.
*Please email Ms. Kat for questions on this club, all interested students can join.

Archery Club (Enrollment is full)
Grade level: 5th-8th
Coordinator: Kari Wellhausen
Beginning: 11/29-1/17
Wednesday 2:30-4:00 (at times, 4:15)
Location: Gym
Max number: 40
Fernwood Archery Club is based on The National Archery in Schools curriculum. We teach target archery for recreation or for competition. Competitions are all across Wisconsin in January, February and March.

Braiding SweetGrass – a Book Club with Storytelling and Cookies  (Enroll Here)
Grade level: 6th-7th
Coordinator: Lorinda Flores
Beginning  11/6 – 1/ 22
Mondays, meeting bi-weekly
TIME: 2:45-4:00
Max Number: 8
Location: Room 11
Ask yourself: “What responsibility do I have to myself to live a good life?” Is that enough? Or should we be evaluating our responsibility to ensure that we support others in their goals to live a good life too? We will read out loud sections of this great book to stir up good conversation and spark adolescent curiosity and brilliance. Please join us if you are willing to participate in this type of discussion, and discover new cookies.

Math Club  (enrollment is full)

Grade Level: 6th-8th grade 

Coordinator: Kim Obrien

Beginning: 11/13-3/18

2:30 – 3:45 Mondays

Max Number:  14
Location: Room 21

Math Club will inspire curiosity and build confidence in students in grades 6th – 8th.  This club will create a space where learning math is fun, social, and supportive, so that every child can become a lifelong math learner.   We will be using MathCounts games, activities, explorations, and monthly challenges to guide our activities.   

Sewing Club (Tracy) (enrollment is full)
Grade level: 3rd-6th
Coordinator: Tracy Redlich
Beginning: December 6-February 28
Wednesday 2:30-3:30
Max Number: 12
Location: Room 24
After school, students will learn basic hand sewing skills to create a stuffed animal.

Yoga and Meditation Club (enrollment is full)
Grade level: 4th-6th
Coordinator: Caitlyn McWilliams
Beginning: 1/11-3/13
Thursday 2:30-3:30
Location: Room 27
Max Number: 12
Ms. Caitlyn will guide our yogis through asana (poses), pranayama (breathwork), meditation and honor their cultural origins.  Students will be empowered to explore their peaceful and playful selves through movement, storytelling, and embracing stillness.

Running Club  (Was communicated in previous newsletters, enrollment is full)

Grade level: 6-8th grades

Coordinator: Lorinda Flores

Beginning: 9/5
Location: Outside

A group that gathers to foster a love of running while building not only skills/ability, but also inner strength and friendships

After-School Theater Skill Building (Was communicated in previous newsletters, enrollment for session 1 is full, session 2 enrollment will open in November)

Grade Level: 1st-3rd grades

Coordinator: Character Kids Theater

Session 1: Mondays, 2:30-3:30pm, 10/16-12/18 (no class 10/23 or 11/20)

Session 2: Mondays, 2:30-3:30pm, 1/ 8 -3/11 (no class 1/15 or 2/19)

Max Number: 20 students per session

Location: Auditorium

Scholarships are available and the cost to parents is $100 per student for their 8 week class, with funds additionally supplemented by the school to cover the total cost.


Character Kids will provide a comprehensive drama program that includes instruction in the basics of theater, stage directions, pantomime skills, basic improvisation, character movement and development, and vocal projection/public speaking. Students will learn these concepts through theater games and exercises, as well as ensemble work on a script throughout the class. The program will culminate in a parent performance of the script, songs and/or scenework. Most importantly, students will learn valuable life skills through these activities including listening and responding, teamwork, confidence, emotional literacy and empathy. Curriculum is always specifically tailored to each grade level. 

Futura Spanish (Was communicated in previous newsletters, enrollment is full)

Grade level: K5-2nd grades

Coordinator: Futura

Beginning: 10/19, see dates on flier Fernwood Montessori 2023-24 Spanish flier.pdf

Max number:15

Location: Library and 152

Prepare your child for a global world with a 16-week adventure in Spanish! In the fall session, ¡Vamos con la Familia! (Let’s go with Family!), the class visits the fascinating country of Peru. The children will learn to describe and ask questions about their families and talk about likes and dislikes. After break, we continue adventures with ¡Vamos con la Música! (Let’s go with music!) in the enchanting city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Students will learn music and school related vocabulary in Spanish along with real life communicative practices. Put on your thinking caps because each week will be packed full of useful SPANISH! Get a language head start – enroll today! (Space is limited.) There is a cost to this club


BoxTops for Education

Did you know Box Tops for Education has gone virtual? No more cardboard paper cuts (aren’t those the worst?). It’s super easy to scan your receipt or email a digital receipt and send money to Fernwood. The list of qualifying products includes a wide array of kid favorites like Annies, Cheerios and GoGurt. 

The switch to digital is super easy. Download the app and create your account. Every time you shop, you can just scan your receipt from stores like Costco, Meijer, Target, Woodman’s and more. The app will find qualifying products for you. Don’t have a physical receipt? You can email your digital receipt to and the money will be added to Fernwood’s account.

Last year, the PTO got over $180 from this program.  If you have questions about how Box Tops works, feel free to reach out to PTO member Danielle Brannan ( 


Yearbook Photos!

Are you a wonderful family volunteer who is working with a Fernwood club, troop or sports team? (Thank you!!)

Do you have any school function or class candids you can share?

Please submit pictures to our Fernwood yearbook crew.  Please label your picture with grade level and class or group/team/club name.  We would also love to have pictures of your groups in action.  All pictures should be submitted to 


Opportunities for Montessori Teacher Training and Sponsorship

Are you or anyone you know interested in becoming a Montessori teacher?  Milwaukee Public Schools will be sponsoring candidates interested in the training for free for elementary and secondary training, held in Milwaukee!

To qualify, an individual must work for Milwaukee Public Schools or Milwaukee Rec as a current employee, substitute teacher, or as camp staff.  Training begins in January and if you aren’t a current employee, picking up a few hours a week at our camp program would qualify you for this experience.  Please contact Camp Fernwood Director Michelle Stehlik at to learn about next steps to apply.

Please see the information below about upcoming informational meetings for sponsorship.  Please pass this information along!

MPS Montessori Sponsorship Process


MPS Montessori Sponsorship Meeting


Wisconsin Montessori Association Annual Conference, Fernwood Montessori

Fernwood will be hosting the WMA conference this year on November 10th for administrators and 11th for all interested individuals including grown-ups of Montessori students.  There are two parent options which are $10.00 to attend the keynote and morning sessions, and $25.00 to attend the keynote, morning sessions, and to have lunch.  Please see the link here to register:

Please email Kristy Lowell, Principal and WMA Board Member if you have any questions at 


Music Information from Mr. Miller

There is LOTS of information from Mr. Miller about Choir and MANY other music opportunities for our students.  Please see the link for his update which includes ways to sign up.

Fernwood Music 2023-24
