` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #24, 2/18/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CONFERENCE SIGN UPS Gifted and Talented Fair Celebrating...
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Fernwood Family Newsletter #23, 2/11/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #23, 2/11/25 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Popcorn on 2/14 Soup & Chili Supper 2025 - Wrap Up Fernwood Camp Availability...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #22, 2/4/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #22, 2/4/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Changes to School Hours for the 2025-2026 School Year FAMILY SOCIAL EVENT - THIS FRIDAY! Fernwood Open House on 2/12 Fernwood Spring Athletics...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #21, 1/28/25
FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #21, 1/28/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Fernwood Soup & Chili Supper: February 7th POPCORN THIS FRIDAY! 1/31! OPEN...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #20, 1/22/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #20, 1/22/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ACT 20 Reading Instruction Information for Families Robotics...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #19, 1/14/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #19, 1/14/25 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FERNWOOD PTO APPAREL SALE! Fernwood Honors Choir Singers Sing Out! Skate...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #25, 2/20/24
Fernwood Family Newsletter #25, 2/20/24
~Tuesday, February 20th, 6:30pm, Fernwood Fund Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual-email benjaminmstocks@gmail.com for meeting link
~Tuesday, February 20th, 6:00pm, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Community Room and virtual http://meet.google.com/isc-jfjq-zow
~Thursday, February 22nd, 5:30pm, SEC Meeting, In Person, Fernwood Library
~Thursday, February 29th, 5:30pm, PAC Meeting, virtual, link forthcoming
~Tuesday, March 12th, 6:30pm, Fernwood Fund Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual-email benjaminmstocks@gmail.com for meeting link
~Thursday, March 14th, 6:30pm, Music Parents Meeting, Virtual https://meet.google.com/fpf-rvca-uuk
~Thursday, March 14th and Tuesday, March 19th, 3:00-6:45pm Parent Teacher Conferences, Fernwood Montessori Classrooms
~Monday, March 18th, 5:30pm, SEC Meeting, virtual https://meet.google.com/hnp-uhmu-wpr
~Tuesday, March 19th, 6:00pm, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual http://meet.google.com/isc-jfjq-zow
~Friday, March 22nd, 2004-Sunday, March 31st, 2004, SPRING BREAK, school resumes on 4/1
Link to Fernwood Family-School Manual 2023-2024: Family-School Manual 2023 2024 SY.docx
Open ENROLLMENT for ALL NEW Students in 2024-25!
Attention little siblings! Open enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is now happening for all students that are new to Fernwood. Siblings of current Fernwood students are given priority enrollment at Fernwood but families still do need to register to secure this spot. Please see the attached document for details on how to register correctly. Some of the information below is slightly different from how the MPS website asks you to enroll. Please reach out if you have any questions. Enrollment closes on March 4th, 2024.
Enrollment Information for 2024-25
Spring Testing
Please see the attached letter for information on the testing that happens in our building in the Spring. Information provided includes the testing windows, names of the tests, grades taking the tests, and more.
Spring Testing Letter 2024.pdf
Fernwood PTO Apparel Sale!
The Fernwood PTO Apparel Sale is happening now! This year, there are shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, beanies (with pompoms and without) and tote bags featuring TWO designs. You can literally cover your entire body with Fernwood merch (just in time for the adolescent dance)! Orders will be taken online until 2/28 (link below). Items will be delivered to school and sent home with students sometime in early April.
A special thank you to some of our Upper El and Lower El students who voted on the color choices!
NEW Extended Hours for CAMP
Families that have children attending Camp Fernwood with the 3:30 pick up time restriction can now have their children attend camp until 5:30, if need be. New staff has allowed us to remove this restriction. We are currently reviewing our wait list and hope to be able to allow a few families into camp over the next following weeks. You do not need to notify camp if your student will be staying until 5:30.
Girls on the Run Registration Open NOW
Fernwood is so excited to be offering another Girls on the Run program for 3rd-5th grade girls. Thank you to our parent volunteer Erin Folstad for being our school liaison and coach. Additional thanks to Nichole Abresch, Leah Larios, Casey Twanow, and Caitlin Walsh for volunteering to coach this program.
The program will start the week of March 18th and practices will be Monday and Wednesday from 4-5:15pm at Fernwood. The season ends with a celebratory 5K event on May 18th at American Family Field.
Last year we were lucky to offer this program for free to families due to COVID relief money that MPS made available to us. This year the registration fee is $175. Financial assistance as well as a pay what you can structure is available during the registration process.
Registration will open on February 19th and close on February 25th. Families will be able to register using the QR code on the flyer (see link below). The program can only accept 20 students. Students will be selected by a lottery. Families will be notified via email on February 26th if their student was selected.
Please click on the flyer to learn more about the program and how to apply.
List of Summer Camp Opportunities from Ms. Bianca
Please see the document below which features a list of summer camp opportunities for students. Thanks to Ms. Bianca for this resource!
Fernwood Spring Lower Elementary Kids Choir Returns!
WHEN: Tuesdays (2:25-3:10pm) March 19th – May 14th
WHERE: Fernwood Auditorium (students will be dismissed from class to the auditorium)
WHO: Intended for 1st-3rd grade Lower Elementary Students
PRICE: $40 per student (8 meeting sessions total)
Looking for committed children who enjoy singing and would value the benefits of being part of a choir. Each child will take home and sign an attendance and behavior contract.
Deadline for signup is Friday, March 1st, 2024.
To Register: Complete this link and pay $40 (Venmo @molly-pufall, or check or cash brought to the main office with attn: Ms. Molly).
Two parent helpers are needed for dismissal and bathroom breaks, etc. Please contact me if you are available at mpufall@gmail.com.
Director: Molly Pufall-Brown, a Fernwood parent, holds two degrees in music, specializing in voice. She is insured and thrilled to be offering Kids Choir at Fernwood for the 5th year. Please contact Molly to sign up or ask questions: mpufall@gmail.com.
***If a parent or guardian is in need of financial assistance to allow their child to participate, please email mpufall@gmail.com***
2024 Fernwood Arts Fest – Calling All Vendors!
The Fernwood Arts Fest committee is currently accepting applications for this year’s event. If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please use the link found on the Contact page of the Fernwood Arts Fest website.
Reach out to Melissa Rabiego with any questions: melissarabiego@gmail.com
There is a free skate night on 2/23 at Bayview High School. See below for details.
Attention 4-6th Graders! Register to Participate in our Spring Musical!
Please see the registration link below for our Spring Musical-THE JUNGLE BOOK!
Come join Mowgli, Baloo, King Louis, and all of their jungle friends as they swing their way through madcap adventures and thwart the ferocious tiger, Shere Khan.
All students who register are guaranteed a role in the show and no previous experience is necessary. Low pressure auditions will take place on the first day of rehearsal for role placement. Students do not need to prepare anything for the auditions. Performance for friends and family on the last day of class. Scholarships are available, please email brenda@characterkidsdrama.com for more info.
Link includes information on dates and times for the rehearsals and costs. This is open to 4th-6th grade students only. Please sign up for only one Spring activity (either a club listed below or the musical).
Fernwood Kindergarten Open House for Future Students! Help us Spread the Word!
Calling all potential Pirates! Help us spread the word about our Kindergarten Open House for future K3/4/5 students! The event is on February 21st from 5:00-6:30pm at Fernwood. Please see attached flyer for details. This is a great way for prospective students to learn more about our school.
Music Information from Mr. Miller
There is LOTS of information from Mr. Miller about Choir and MANY other music opportunities for our students. Please see the link for his update which includes ways to sign up.
Fernwood Music 2023-24 _________________________________________________________________________________________