` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #23, 2/11/25 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Popcorn on 2/14 Soup & Chili Supper 2025 - Wrap Up Fernwood Camp Availability...
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Fernwood Family Newsletter #22, 2/4/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #22, 2/4/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Changes to School Hours for the 2025-2026 School Year FAMILY SOCIAL EVENT - THIS FRIDAY! Fernwood Open House on 2/12 Fernwood Spring Athletics...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #21, 1/28/25
FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #21, 1/28/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Fernwood Soup & Chili Supper: February 7th POPCORN THIS FRIDAY! 1/31! OPEN...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #20, 1/22/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #20, 1/22/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ACT 20 Reading Instruction Information for Families Robotics...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #19, 1/14/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #19, 1/14/25 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FERNWOOD PTO APPAREL SALE! Fernwood Honors Choir Singers Sing Out! Skate...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #18, 1/7/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #18, 1/7/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SCHOOL AND CAMP CLOSURES for 1/20 and 1/24 Popcorn on 1/10! Student...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #29, 3/19/24
Fernwood Family Newsletter #29, 3/19/24
~Thursday, March 14th and Tuesday, March 19th, 3:00-6:45pm Parent Teacher Conferences, Fernwood Montessori Classrooms
~Monday, March 18th, 5:30pm, SEC Meeting, virtual https://meet.google.com/hnp-uhmu-wpr
~Tuesday, March 19th, 6:00pm, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual http://meet.google.com/isc-jfjq-zow
~Friday, March 22nd, 2024-Sunday, March 31st, 2024, SPRING BREAK, school resumes on 4/1
~Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, Fernwood Fund Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual-email benjaminmstocks@gmail.com for meeting link
~Thursday, April 11th, 2024, Music Parents Meeting, Virtual https://meet.google.com/fpf-rvca-uuk
~Tuesday, April 16th, 2024, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Library and Virtual http://meet.google.com/isc-jfjq-zow
Link to Fernwood Family-School Manual 2023-2024: Family-School Manual 2023 2024 SY.docx
Referendum Voting on April 2nd
Election day is Tuesday, April 2nd. MPS has added a referendum to the ballot. Please see the attached information to learn more about how this impacts our school and community. Resources on polling locations, hours, and rides to the polls are also listed below.
Fernwood Budget Implication Chart
Yearbooks for Sale!
Fernwood 23/24 yearbooks are for sale! Orders will be taken until April 14th. Go to ybpay.com and use the code 14852524 to locate our school. Yearbooks “vibrantly capture your memories throughout the school year” and are available for $12 each. Amazing! Please note that we will not be ordering additional or extra yearbooks for sale after the 14th. Ordering online is your only opportunity to purchase one. Thank you to Parent Amanda Lavoe for being our yearbook superstar volunteer!
Camp Fernwood will not be open during Spring Break- March 22nd-29th.
Camp Fernwood Summer Enrollment Information
- Please pick up a Summer Camp Interest Form from the main office starting March 18th, 2024.
- Interest forms should be returned to the main office when completed.
- Please complete 1 form per family.
- Forms are due anytime before April 8th. No late forms accepted.
- Please keep in mind that these are not enrollment forms and do not secure a spot in Camp Fernwood. This is simply to gauge interest and to make sure we have enough staffing.
Summer Camp at Fernwood Montessori Details:
- $150 per week- this includes full time staff, field trips, Spanish club, TCM weekly book program, and a theater club. Spanish and Theater club will be separate sign ups.
- 3 days attendance per week minimum required.
- Attendees will be picked by random lottery- date to be determined, but by May 1st. This will be done on a live Zoom call, and anyone can attend.
- Cannot be absent more than 2 consecutive weeks.
- Interest forms can be picked up in the main office.
- Camp will run from June 17th through August 16th.
Summer Camp Activities and Field Trips:
- Field Trips will potentially include: Incrediroll- skating rink, Inside Out 2 at Marcus Oak Creek Theater, Tour of Wisconsin’s Capitol-Madison WI, Miller Park Tour, UWM Planetarium, Kids in Motion, Finding Nemo Jr. Play with Forte Theater Group, Just Kiln’ Time Pottery Painting, Humboldt Park, Milwaukee County Zoo, and Havenwoods State Park
- Potential Themed Activities Include: Onsite bingo, create your own stop motion movie with movie premiere and red carpet photos, Water Day, onsite guided meditation, rocket launch, egg drop contest, Tye Dye Day, Weaving, outside scavenger hunts, diy bug kit, arborist presentation, and a Talent Show
Staff Parking Lot
Please be mindful of walking and standing/waiting in the staff parking lot in the morning. Some staff arrive very early and some start their work day a little later in the morning. If cars are moving in and out, we want to make sure that everyone is safe. Thank you for your attention!
Spring Conference Sign Ups
Conference days are Thursday, March 14th and Tuesday, March 19th from 3-6:45pm.
Please sign up for ONE conference time slot for your K3-6th grade student with your student’s teacher. Conferences will be in person in the classroom. Grade 7th and 8th grade families will also be able to sign up for a time frame slot (not an appointment). Please see below for details.
If you have more than one child at Fernwood, please consider allowing some “travel time” between your conferences.
If your child receives special education support, please also schedule a conference with your child’s special education teacher.
Conferences are also available with our gym, music and art teacher. Additionally, conferences are available with our support staff.
Free childcare will be available in room 9 (near the cafeteria) during conferences.
All secondary conferences on March 14 and 19 will be held in the gym.
Art Room Seeking Donations
The Art room is seeking skeins of yarn in all colors and varieties leftover from crocheting or knitting projects. Please send to the Art room anytime now through early April. Thank you so much.
Spring Break Activities with Urban Ecology Center and More
Please use the link below to view opportunities for extended learning adventures that are available for MPS students during Spring Break. Many of these opportunities at the Urban Ecology Center, Wehr Nature Center, Milwaukee County Zoo, and the Wisconsin Humane Society are free.
MPS Summer Academy/Summer School
Please see the attached flyer for details on MPS Summer Academy. This year Fernwood was not selected as a site for this program but there are lots of options available.
Lost and Found
If you are in the building for conferences, please stop by the Lost and Found to see if anything belongs to your household. Lost and Found is located beside the Northeast staircase in the basement right off the Cafeteria.
Snacks for Teachers During Conferences
Thank you to everyone who donated! We have lots of snacks and treats to offer our teachers during conferences!
Mark your calendars and start arranging your childcare for this year’s Fernwood Flights on Sunday, June 9th (11am-3pm) at The Sugar Maple. Fernwood Flights is the annual end-of-year celebration where Fernwood parents and community members gather to meet new people, laugh with old friends, enjoy some good food and beverages, win some great auctions, and have fun raising money to enhance the learning experience and environment at Fernwood Montessori. Tickets are on sale now at https://events.readysetauction.com/mpsfdn/beerscheers24.
P.S. If you would like to learn more about donating auction items, being a corporate level sponsor, or getting involved as a parent volunteer with the Fernwood Fund, please send an email to Brett at brett.mytys@gmail.com.
Spring Soccer Registration Open
6-8th girls soccer
Open for registration. It is first come first serve and spots will go very fast. Forms and fee need to be turned into Mr. Comp.
6-8th Coed soccer
This is on hold as Fernwood is on the waitlist and we are not sure if we will get placed into a league. If registration opens, we will notify families in the newsletter.
1-3rd and 4/5th Co-Ed
Anyone who played in fall is already on a team and does not have to register. If you are not returning, please let your coach know. If you did not play in the fall and are looking to play this spring, let Mr. Comp (compra@milwaukee.k12.wi.us) know and he will try to place you on an existing team.
Classroom Placements for 24-25 School Year
Fernwood Montessori has highly trained, qualified teachers and values equity in following the tenets of Montessori. We know your children well and appreciate your trust in our staff, school and community. Therefore, we will not be taking parent requests regarding future classroom placements.
Bayview Red Cats Baseball
Is your son(s) and/or daughter(s) interested in playing baseball this spring and summer? The Bay View Area Redcats have been offering baseball in the Bay View Community since 1974. Practices and games take place at Lewis Field.
Please see the attached flyer for more information on registration and volunteering as a coach!
Our School is Cool!
There’s always something cool going on at Fernwood! Did you know that our building is also an art gallery!? Ms. Makula posts TONS of student artwork around the building and we have several pieces that are permanently installed. Take a look at some of the works that hang in our halls!
Music Information from Mr. Miller
There is LOTS of information from Mr. Miller about Choir and MANY other music opportunities for our students. Please see the link for his update which includes ways to sign up.