` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #24, 2/18/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CONFERENCE SIGN UPS Gifted and Talented Fair Celebrating...
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Fernwood Family Newsletter #23, 2/11/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #23, 2/11/25 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Popcorn on 2/14 Soup & Chili Supper 2025 - Wrap Up Fernwood Camp Availability...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #22, 2/4/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #22, 2/4/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Changes to School Hours for the 2025-2026 School Year FAMILY SOCIAL EVENT - THIS FRIDAY! Fernwood Open House on 2/12 Fernwood Spring Athletics...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #21, 1/28/25
FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #21, 1/28/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Fernwood Soup & Chili Supper: February 7th POPCORN THIS FRIDAY! 1/31! OPEN...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #20, 1/22/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #20, 1/22/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ACT 20 Reading Instruction Information for Families Robotics...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #19, 1/14/25
` FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #19, 1/14/25 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FERNWOOD PTO APPAREL SALE! Fernwood Honors Choir Singers Sing Out! Skate...
Fernwood Family Newsletter #39, 6/4/24
Fernwood Family Newsletter #39, 6/4/24
~Thursday, June 6th, 2024, 6:00pm, PTO Meeting, South Shore Terrace
~Sunday, June 9th, 2024, 11am-3pm, Fernwood Flights, The Sugar Maple
~Monday, June 10th, 2024, 6:30pm, Fernwood Fund Meeting, Location TBA, email benjaminmstocks@gmail.com for meeting info
~Tuesday, June 11th, 2024, 5:30-6:30pm, 8th Grade Completion Ceremony, Bayview High School Auditorium
~Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, LAST DAY OF STUDENT ATTENDANCE
~Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, First Day of Student Attendance
Link to Fernwood Family-School Manual 2023-2024: Family-School Manual 2023 2024 SY.docx
Fernwood Flights! THIS WEEKEND! June 9th 11am-4pm at Sugar Maple
Tickets here! https://events.readysetauction.com/mpsfdn/beerscheers24
The event features….
FOOD-It’s brat season, people!
BEER and other BEVERAGES https://mysugarmaple.com/,
MUSIC Frogwater – Bluegrass Music – CelticMKE Center
AUCTION ITEMS Major Auction Items.pdf
CELEBRITY GUESTS–https://mps.school/fernwood/about/staff-directory/
And VIBESSSSSS!-This is the major fundraiser for the Fernwood Fund which helps provide experiences for our students and supports other school building projects. Giving feels good, right?! Hope to see you there!
Plant Sale IV: The One Where Rocky Fights the Russian*
There will be a plant sale today and tomorrow after school in the greenhouse. The sale offers vegetables, herbs, and beautiful flower boxes. Please come by for your free greenhouse tour and stay to shop. Cash only. Proceeds from the sale will go to the greenhouse program which benefits all students.
*This event does not include a boxing match.
ABAR Survey for Families
To help ABAR assess equity at Fernwood, we are asking families to complete the following survey. This data will help inform ABAR on areas of focus next year. The goal is for Fernwood to be a school where all families and students feel safe and supported. This form is anonymous!
Survey for Tutoring Families
If your student participated in after school tutoring (organized by Ms. Jen) OR if they worked with Mr. Trey or Ms. Anna, we are asking that you fill out the following survey. These results will go to Central Office to aid with future planning. Thank you for your time!
School Supply Lists for 2024-2025
Top 3 Things to Get at Target:
- That thing you forgot at the grocery store.
- That thing you didn’t know you needed but now you want.
- School Supplies!!!!
Please see below for supply lists for next year by Grade band. These will also be posted on the school website.
Primary Supply List – 2024 – 2025.docx
Lower Elementary Supply List – 2024 – 2025.docx
Upper Elementary Supply List – 2024 – 2025.docx
Adolescent Supply List – 2024 – 2025.docx
Extra Yearbooks for Sale Through this Week!
Exciting news for Fernwood historians! We have some extra yearbooks available in the Main Office for $12. They are first come, first serve and payment must be presented to get a book. Payment is cash or check made out to Fernwood Montessori. Thanks!
LOST and FOUND-Clean Out on June 11th
Are you looking for a 5T orange Columbia fleece? We probably have it! The lost and found will be cleaned out on June 11th. Please come to claim items before that date. The lost and found is located under the Northeast stairwell in the basement.
Construction Happening Soon-KK Ave Impacted
Please note that some construction will be happening on our West Playground right along KK Ave soon. If parents drop off on KK Ave, we ask that you please access the building in a different way while construction is happening. We don’t have an exact date for the start of the project but it will be happening in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your attention!
IMPORTANT Attendance Information for the 24/25 School Year
Please see the attached letter from Principal Lowell regarding attendance for next school year. The 2024-25 MPS District Calendar is also attached to aid with planning.
Run Back to School Registration now Open!
Fernwood took first place in last year’s annual Run Back to School 5K run/1.5 mile walk by having the most registered participants in the district! Let’s do it again and win the $1,000 grant! Please see details on the attached flyer, including how to register your family. Be sure to list ‘Fernwood’ as your participating school. Any questions, please contact Fernwood’s team captain, Lisa McLure, at samperld@milwaukee.k12.wi.us.
End of Year Medication Pickup
Please read the attached document about end of year medication pick up from Nurse Gretchen.
end of year med pick up 22-23.docx
Chrome Book Collection Dates
We will be collecting Chrome Books and chargers from our students before the end of the school year. Please ensure Chrome Books and chargers are sent to school with your child on the below date:
Secondary Students (7th and 8th)- June 11th
Our School is TRIPLE Cool this Week!
There’s always something COOL going on at Fernwood! Our school has the coolest volunteers. One of our volunteers, Melissa Rabiego, won an MPS MVP Volunteer Award this year for her contributions to our community! Melissa does it all and is always willing to help with whatever is needed to keep an event running, to keep money flowing into PTO, and to keep learning happening in the classroom. Congrats, Melissa! You’re a superstar!
Recently, students in Ms. Caitlyn’s class created a Black Excellence Museum with the amazing support of Mr. Spears. They created a COOL video of the presentation for those who want to learn more. Mr. Spears then took some of the students on a field trip to the Black Holocaust Museum (https://www.abhmuseum.org/). See a video of their presentation and photos from the field trip below. Super COOL!
Black Excellence Video and Field Trip
Mr. Ray (Greenhouse Master, COOL dude, and owner of the best ponytail in the building) created this working model of a river basin for our students to learn from. There are several COOL Montessori lessons that involve this model which is available for students to learn about how rivers work in real time with real feedback! Check out a video of the model in action!
Music Information from Mr. Miller
There is LOTS of information from Mr. Miller about Choir and MANY other music opportunities for our students. Please see the link for his update which includes ways to sign up to help.
Fernwood Music 2023-24 ____________________________________________________________________________