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Enroll Today for a Fun-Filled Summer with MPS Summer Academy!

Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for families to start planning fun summer activities! Milwaukee Public Schools is again offering Summer Academy, and registration is open now. Summer Academy provides Milwaukee youth with exciting adventures,...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #27, 3/11/25

  FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #27, 3/11/25 _________________________________________   TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Please Consider a Donation: Conference Snacks LOST AND FOUND Classroom Placements for 24-25 School Year Proposed Raised Crosswalk...

New MPS Superintendent Begins March 15

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved the contract for the next superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools, Dr. Brenda Cassellius, in a special meeting Tuesday, March 4. Dr. Cassellius, who was selected by the board in February after an extensive public...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #26, 3/4/25

FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #26, 3/4/25 _________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Drop off and Pick Up information Announcing Our New Camp Director Meet Dr. Brenda Cassellius at the DAC Meeting on 3/6 Fernwood Summer Camp Interest...

MPS Rolls Out Bus App to Help Families Track Their Child’s Bus

MPS has an exciting announcement for families with children who ride the school bus! Families now have access to an app called WheresTheBus. This app allows families to track their child’s bus in real time. WheresTheBus lets families know precisely when their child’s...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #24, 2/18/25

`   FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #24, 2/18/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________   TABLE OF CONTENTS   SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CONFERENCE SIGN UPS Gifted and Talented Fair Celebrating...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #14, 11/26/24

November 26, 2024 | News, Newsletter

~Wednesday-Sunday, November 27-December 1, 2024, NO SCHOOL 🦃
~Tuesday, December 3, 2024, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Library and virtual
~Thursday, December 12, 2024,5:30pm, Winter Concert, Fernwood Auditorium
~Tuesday, December 17th, 2024, 6:30pm, Fernwood Fund Meeting, Fernwood library and virtual, email for link
~Saturday to Wednesday, December 21, 2024-Jaunuary 1, 2025, NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
Winter Concert Attendance Reminder
This year, our winter concert is spreading our BIG musical talent all around our TINY Fernwood auditorium!  We kindly ask that only families of the performers (Upper El choir and Lower El Choir) attend the Winter Concert so that we have ample space for those families to sit in actual seats.  We appreciate all of the enthusiasm for our music program from our entire community!  At this time, our Spring concert is scheduled to be at the Bayview High School Auditorium which has space for families of performers AND Fernwood music superfans.
Cookies for our Bus Drivers, Crossing Guards and Engineers
Fernwood has a tradition of saying thank you to our bus drivers, crossing guards, and engineers with some yummy cookies before our winter break.  As you do your holiday baking, please keep Fernwood in mind (I have an eat a dozen, give a dozen policy, personally).  We would love a (disposable) plate of your cookies to share with our helpers who keep this circus from spinning off into total chaos!  Please send cookies to the office, in care of Ms. Meredith, the morning of December 16th for distribution that day.  We could also use cookie tins the size of a dinner plate.  Tins can be brought to the office at any time.  Thank you for your kindness towards our bus drivers, crossing guards, and engineers!
Camp Fernwood Seeking Director
Ms. Michelle Stehlik’s last day as Camp Fernwood Director will be December 4th.  She is leaving to pursue another opportunity; we wish her the best and thank her for her amazing work at camp.
We are currently looking for a new director for Camp Fernwood.  Please see the attachment and information about applying below.  In addition to applying, please reach out to Ms. Kristy Lowell, Fernwood Principal at so she can alert Milwaukee Recreation.
(Director application towards the bottom of the page)
Director Pay Rate Range: $17/hr – $20/hr
Ms. Ofelia, Assistant Director, will help with operations and billing in the interim.
3rd Grade Robotics Club
Is your 3rd grader working on skills for future world domination?  Are they just interested in Robots?  Then we have just the right thing!
Fernwood Elementary in collaboration with the YMCA STEAM Center is excited to announce an afterschool program which offers students an opportunity to learn basic programming concepts and skills using the BBC micro:bit microcomputer. Students will build a LEGO based robot and apply their programming skills to make their robot perform a variety of tasks.
The program provides a space for students to:
  • Collaborate, think critically and solve problems
  • Engage in hands-on activity
  • Connect with STEAM mentors
  • Prepare for future careers in technology
  • Have fun!
Those who gain entry will be notified after December 10th (club members will be picked at random and capped at 12 members).  Meetings are after school on January 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 2:25-3:30pm.  Cost for the club is $15 (cash or check made out to Fernwood Montessori).
Solo and Ensemble for 7th and 8th Graders
Attention 7 and 8th grade vocalists!. Musical Parent, Erica Edquist, will be taking a group of performers to this year’s Solo and Ensemble Festival on March 1st. Students can choose to sing a solo selection or sing in a small ensemble.  Please fill out the form below to receive more information.
Update on Mr. Turner
On 11/21, Mr. Turner was officially appointed by the Board of School Directors to be the Principal at Elm Creative Arts.  This is bittersweet news as we miss him tremendously here, but wish him great success in his new role.  In his short time at Fernwood, Mr. Turner made a huge impact on so many students and families.  If you or your child would like to send him a note of appreciation, please email it to
Ms. Sandra Ceballos has been filling in as our Assistant Principal this school year and hopefully many of you have gotten to know her over the past months.
Our vacant AP position was posted a few weeks ago.  Round 1 of interviews will take place with a school-based team (composed of a teacher, assistant, a School Engagement Council representative, a parent, and an administrator assigned by MPS) in the next few weeks.  The candidates selected in round 1 will move to round 2 interviews with Kristy Lowell, Fernwood Principal, and Miguel Sanchez, East Region Superintendent.
We will provide an update to families as soon as it is publicly available.
School Engagement Survey Results
Thank you to the 57 people who filled out the school engagement survey!  The results have shown that a majority of parents (93%) feel welcome at school!  We got some great information about resources that parents want (workshops and classes, academic support materials, resources for school decision making).  We also saw that parents were interested in group topics on diversity, inclusion, and mental health.  See below for more detailed results.
The annual PTO Coffee Sale is here!  This year the sale will be completely online (like Generation Alpha) and features coffee, tea, and merch from Stone Creek Coffee!  The sale is open now and ends on December 3rd.
Orders are placed online at IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU USE THE COUPON CODE “FERNWOOD” WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.  Without the code, the PTO won’t get credit for the sale and the fundraiser becomes…not a fundraiser.
All orders will be shipped directly to your home (versus our previous business model of using 3 year olds as delivery people…they are easily distracted and have low muscle tone) for FREE.
Your support is so appreciated as this is historically the largest fundraiser of the year for the PTO.  Funds go directly to our classroom teachers and students and are used for supplies, experiences, and buses. 25% of the proceeds from all orders with this code will go directly to Fernwood Montessori – that’s roughly $3 from every pound sold and we will get a cut of anything that you purchase on the website-not just coffee! There are lots of great gifts on the Stone Creek website (tea, canisters, mugs, tumblers, apparel, and gift cards) for those who don’t drink coffee like Buddy the Elf.
Montessori Action Committee Meetings
MPS invites families to participate and support the continued growth of Montessori in Milwaukee Public Schools through participation in the Montessori Action Committee. This year the focus is on human resource language and facilities.  See the flyer below for meeting dates and details.  Any family member can come to meetings!
Tropical Trolley
If you haven’t hit up the tropical trolley for tropical treats, now is your chance to support Room 250 in their endeavor while also injecting some tropical sunshine into your life during our short fall/winter days!   Granola treats are $1 and are available Monday and Wednesdays before and after school near the Falling Heath Doors.  See flyer for more details.
After School Theater Classes – Winter Session
Join Character Kids for our fun-filled After School Theater Classes at Fernwood! Students will explore new stage skills, theater games and performance material; so new and returning students are welcome at each session. Parents are invited to a special performance on the last day of class.
Grades 1-3: Mondays, 2:30 – 3:30 pm (December 9 – March 10 (no class 12/23, 12/30, 1/20, 2/17)
Grades 4-6: Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 pm (December 18 – March 12 (no class 12/25, 1/1)
Focus is put on developing imagination, social skills and a positive self-image through the performing arts. Visit our website for more info or to register. We hope to see you there!
There’s always something COOL going on at Fernwood!  This week we draw attention to the ABAR group lead by the teacher with a COOL name Ms.(COOL) Kat Toman.  ABAR stands for Anti-Bias Anti-Racist and is made up of students who want to dedicate their energies towards creating a more inclusive and just Fernwood.  We also have an ABAR group for staff that meets monthly with the goal of making sure that our inclusivity goals are met for teaching, discipline, and curriculum.  Members include Ms. Kristy, Ms. Ceballos, Ms. Kat, Mr. Spears, Ms. Michelle, Ms. Kellie, Ms. Sangita, Ms. Jean, and Ms. Bianca.  See below for some details on the work that Ms. Kat and her ABAR students have been doing.  Keep being COOL, ABAR!  Your work is seen and appreciated!