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Enroll Today for a Fun-Filled Summer with MPS Summer Academy!

Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for families to start planning fun summer activities! Milwaukee Public Schools is again offering Summer Academy, and registration is open now. Summer Academy provides Milwaukee youth with exciting adventures,...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #27, 3/11/25

  FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #27, 3/11/25 _________________________________________   TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Please Consider a Donation: Conference Snacks LOST AND FOUND Classroom Placements for 24-25 School Year Proposed Raised Crosswalk...

New MPS Superintendent Begins March 15

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved the contract for the next superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools, Dr. Brenda Cassellius, in a special meeting Tuesday, March 4. Dr. Cassellius, who was selected by the board in February after an extensive public...

MPS Rolls Out Bus App to Help Families Track Their Child’s Bus

MPS has an exciting announcement for families with children who ride the school bus! Families now have access to an app called WheresTheBus. This app allows families to track their child’s bus in real time. WheresTheBus lets families know precisely when their child’s...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #24, 2/18/25

`   FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #24, 2/18/25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________   TABLE OF CONTENTS   SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CONFERENCE SIGN UPS Gifted and Talented Fair Celebrating...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #23, 2/11/25

`   FERNWOOD FAMILY NEWSLETTER #23, 2/11/25 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Popcorn on 2/14 Soup & Chili Supper 2025 - Wrap Up Fernwood Camp Availability...

Fernwood Family Newsletter #26, 3/4/25

March 4, 2025 | News, Newsletter

~Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00pm, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Library and virtual
~Thursday, March 13th, 2025, 6:30pm, Music Parents Meeting, Virtual
~Thursday, March 13th and Tuesday, March 18th, 2025, 3:00pm-6:45pm, Parent Teacher Conferences, Fernwood Classrooms
~Tuesday, March 18th, 2025, 6:30pm, Fernwood Fund Meeting, Fernwood library and virtual, email for link
~Thursday, March 20th, 2025, 5:30pm, SEC Meeting, virtual
~Friday, March 21st-30th, 2025, NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
~Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 6:00pm, PTO Meeting, Fernwood Library and virtual
Drop off and Pick Up information
It has been brought to the attention of Fernwood administration that there have been two instances in the last month of cars getting their mirrors swiped in the blocks immediately surrounding our school during drop off and pick up (1/22 and 2/25). Here is a reminder of the following parking/driving rules that exist to ensure the safety of our students and community!
Fernwood parking/driving guidelines:
*Do not park or drop off students on Pennsylvania Avenue or Falling Heath Place. These spaces are reserved for buses only.
*Please have your student cross the street at the intersections with a crossing guard.
*To ensure the safety of all students please avoid double parking, which causes heavy traffic congestion (and damage to property). It is unsafe for your child to run between vehicles.
* We need to respect the rights of our neighbors. Do not park or drop off students in front of their driveways.
*The school parking lot is restricted and not open to the public. The parking lot is for staff members only.  Please do not have students walk through the parking lot or use the parking lot as a space to pick up students.
Announcing Our New Camp Director
We are so pleased to announce that Nichole Abresch is our new Fernwood Camp Director.  Nichole has been around the building for years as a volunteer and now she gets paid to be here!  She can be reached at  Nichole is a Fernwood parent (she’s one of us!) and coach and we are so excited for her to join our team!  Please note that Nichole spells her name with an H like helpful, hilarious, hardworking, and high-functioning.  Ah-mazing!  Sho happy tho have yhou here, Nichole!
Please see a letter from Ms. Nichole featuring an introduction from the lady herself!
Meet Dr. Brenda Cassellius at the DAC Meeting on 3/6
Our new MPS Superintendent Dr. Brenda Cassellius will be attending a special session of the District Advisory Committee meeting on 3/6/25.  Attached is a flyer with meeting details including the link.  There is also a form where families can submit questions and feedback for Dr. Cassellius.
Fernwood Summer Camp Interest Form
Hello Fernwood Families,
Please scan the QR code below or click the link, if you are interested in using 2025 summer camp childcare services. This survey does NOT guarantee a spot for summer camp. Families will be placed on a waitlist, then contacted by Camp staff to receive a summer camp registration packet.
Summer Camp 2025 Fernwood Parent Interest Survey

Thank you,
Camp Fernwood Staff
8th Grade Half Marathon Tradition – Sign up Now!
Attention Fernwood Families!
Our annual 8th Grade Half Marathon Tradition is back! This year our students will have the exciting opportunity to participate in the Maritime Half Marathon in Manitowoc. If your 8th grader is interested in joining this incredible experience, please reach out to Coach Heather for more details @
Don’t miss out on this chance to train, set goals, and have fun with a supportive group of people! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💙
Summer Academy Information for MPS
Please see the attached flyers about Summer Academy for MPS.  This summer Fernwood Montessori is NOT a site for Summer Academy but there are lots of other options around town!
Summer Camp Info from Ms. Bianca and Mr. Grant
Here’s some great information on summertime activities from Ms. Bianca and Mr. Grant.
Spring Sports Registration
**We are still looking for another 1-3rd grade coach for co-ed soccer. If you or someone you know may be interested, please reach out to Chanda at**
Spring sports registration is now open for the following sports:
Co-Ed Soccer grades 6-8th
Girls Soccer grades 6-8th
Co-Ed Track and Field grades 5-8th
*At this time, we are looking into possible slots for 1-3rd and 4-5th grade co-ed Soccer (carry over from Fall season). Reminder, if you already registered in the Fall, you will receive communication from your coach in the next few weeks. More info will be shared at a later date.
League dates 
Tuesdays, April 22-June 3:
Girls outdoor soccer
Saturdays, April 26-June 7:
Coed Outdoor Soccer
Friday, May 2 and Saturdays, May 3 – June 7:
Coed Track and Field
Registration will close on 3/18/25 at the latest. It may close sooner once we hit a cap of 12-14 players per team (excluding track and field).
Google form link to registration (no paper forms accepted):
$25 registration fee is due to the school office in order to secure a spot (cash or checks made out to Fernwood)
Any questions please reach out to
Conference Sign Ups 
Conference days are Thursday, March 13th and Tuesday, March 18th from 3-6:45pm. ***Please note that there are a few teachers and specialists that have limited or alternative schedules.***
Please sign up for ONE conference time slot for your K3-6th grade student with your student’s teacher using the links below. Conferences will be in person in the classroom.
If you have more than one child at Fernwood, please consider allowing some “travel time” between your conferences.
This sign up genius will be available until March 7th. If you need to schedule or reschedule a conference after this point, please contact your child’s teacher.
If your child receives special education support, please also schedule a conference with your child’s special education teacher.
Conferences are also available with our gym, music, and art teachers.  Additionally, conferences are available with our support staff.  Please click on the links to pick a time to meet with these staff members.
Free childcare for school-aged children will be available in Room 7 (south west corner of the basement) during conferences.
Primary (K3-K5):
Lower Elementary (1st-3rd):   Includes Ms. Jamie/Room 26.
Upper Elementary (4th-6th):
Special Education Teachers:
Support Staff:
Art, Gym, Music:
Mr. Zhang will be available in Room 9 from 3pm-6:45pm on 3/13 ONLY.  He is taking walk-ins.
Secondary (7th-8th):
Secondary (7th/8th grade) conferences will be on a walk-in basis. Families will wait in line to see the teachers with whom they would like to meet. You will be able to meet with any of the five teachers your student works with for up to 5 minutes. The teachers and the content they teach are as follows: Mr. Jerabek, Science; Ms.Davis, Social Studies; Ms. Zimmers, STEM and Health; Mx. Botsford, Language Arts; Ms. Bussewitz, Math.
In an effort to control the lines that occur in the gym, we are asking families to sign up for a 30 min time slot.  This is NOT an appointment with a teacher and it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have to wait.  We are hoping that if everyone has an assigned time, it will space out arrivals and control wait times.
All secondary conferences on March 13 and 18 will be held in the gym.
Conference Snacks
Conference days are long days for our teachers and it has been a standing PTO tradition to provide some food for teacher bodies and brains on these days!  If you can help out with a donation of a snack for our hard working teachers, please sign up below!
Snacks can be brought to the main office the morning of 3/13.  The PTO will organize a buffet of donated munchies for our teachers on these two conference days on behalf of our community!  Thanks to all who contribute!
Call for ArtsFest Vendors!
Are you interested in showcasing your crafty side at the Fernwood Arts Fest on Sunday, May 4th? (Maybe your artwork will be Star Wars themed- May the 4th be with you!)  This fun event is a celebration of arts, crafts, music, food, and community!  The funds raised benefit the Fernwood PTO.  Complete this google form if you are interested in being a vendor!
Celebrating Abilities Family Forum
Please see the attached flyer for information on the Celebrating Abilities Family Forum for Families of Special Education students.
As an act of service, the Fernwood PTO is giving you a reason to eat delicious pizza!  You’re welcome!  The PTO Classic Slice Pizza Fundraiser returns on March 4th, 5th, and 6th. 20% of all profits from sales on those dates will be given to the PTO.  You win by not making dinner, the kids win by eating pizza instead of that recipe you always make that they hate, and the Fernwood PTO wins by earning money that goes directly back into classrooms.  Good vibes are free with every order!
The Fernwood PTO suggests the following schedule to help the staff at Classic Slice accommodate our large group, but families should feel free to order on whichever night works for them: March 4 Primary Families, March 5 Lower El Families, March 6 Upper El and Adolescent Families.

New “Where’s the Bus?” App
WheresTheBus lets families know precisely when a child’s bus will arrive at the bus stop. The app tracks the location of the bus and provides up-to-the-minute arrival times.
The app is free and can be accessed from any Internet-enabled device—smartphone, tablet, PC, or iPad. Apple iOS and Android apps are available.
This app will give families peace of mind by knowing where the bus is. Tracking the bus means students and families can wait in the comfort of home rather than standing outside in bad weather.
To access WheresTheBus, a parent/guardian must have a Campus Parent (parent portal) account with a login and password.
Families need to set up a Campus Parent account to access WheresTheBus. Campus Parent accounts can be set up by emailing Ms Cynthia in the Main Office at
Families will need to follow these steps to get started.
  • Log in to Campus Parent.
  • Search for WheresTheBus.
  • Click on the WheresTheBus icon.
  • Download the app from the App Store (iOS/Apple) or Google Play (Android).
  • Log in with your Campus Parent ID and password to open the app and see bus information.
For issues accessing Campus Parent, families should contact the school or
For issues accessing WheresTheBus, families should contact
Fernwood Spring Lower Elementary Kids Choir Returns!
WHEN: Tuesdays (2:25-3:10pm) March 18th – May 6th (culminating performance TBD – stay tuned)-No session on 3/25
WHERE: Fernwood Auditorium (students will be dismissed from class to the auditorium)
WHO: Intended for 1st-3rd grade Lower Elementary Students
PRICE: $40 per student (7 meeting sessions total)
Looking for committed children who enjoy singing and would value the benefits of being part of a choir. Each child will take home and sign an attendance and behavior contract.
Deadline for signup is Tuesday, March 4th, 2025.
To Register:  Complete this link and pay $40 (Venmo @molly-pufall, or check or cash brought to the main office with attn: Ms. Molly Pufall-Brown).
One parent helper is needed for dismissal and bathroom breaks, etc. Please contact me if you are available at
Director: Molly Pufall-Brown, a Fernwood parent, holds two degrees in music, specializing in voice and choir and has been teaching for 20 years. She is insured and thrilled to be offering Kids Choir at Fernwood for the 6th year. Please contact Molly to sign up or ask questions:
***If a parent or guardian is in need of financial assistance to allow their child to participate, please email***
Leapin’ Lizards! Join us for the spring session of After School Theater Classes at Fernwood, where students will work on a mini-script of the Broadway musical ANNIE! We’ll explore the basics of acting, singing and musical theater dance while learning how to build a character and tell a story onstage. Students will sing and dance to classic songs like “It’s a Hard-Knock Life” and “Tomorrow” while having a lot of fun!
Grades 1-3: Mondays, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, March 17 – June 2 (10 weeks, no class 3/24, 5/26)
Grades 4-6: Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 pm, March 19 – June 4 (11 weeks, no class 3/26)
New and returning students are welcome; no experience necessary. Parents are invited to a special performance on the last day of class!
In our fun-filled musical theater camp, students will learn how to hone their “Triple Threat” skills: acting, singing and dancing. Come play creative drama games, build stage skills and explore popular Broadway shows and movie musicals while having a lot of fun! No experience necessary. Not available for the full week? Drop-In Days are now available!
March 24 – 28, 1 – 4 pm
Southwood Glen Elementary gym & stage (9090 S 35th St in Franklin)
There’s always something COOL going on at Fernwood!
During the week of 2/17, Room 250 had a very special presentation on primates from Fernwood parent and world renowned primatologist, Dr. Jennifer Cramer!  Jennifer studies monkey coloration to learn more about what colorful skin may communicate to other monkeys. Among other degrees and certifications, Jennifer holds a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Jennifer came to Room 250 to explain her studies of apes and monkeys primarily in The Gambia and in Sierra Leone, Africa. Her photos and experiences were captivating and inspiring for students.
One highlight was that students were shown pictures of a cage that primate researchers constructed in the middle of the jungle.  Researchers enter the cage to eat their lunch.  Without the cage, the monkeys would approach them and steal their food.  A similar set up is used to solve a similar problem in literally every school in America…..we call them teachers’ lounges!  Thanks to Dr. Jennifer for generously donating her time and knowledge to Room 250!

The Fernwood 4th-6th grade Spanish Club just wrapped its last meeting. Throughout the four months that the club met weekly, the students learned basic greetings, vocabulary, and even how to conjugate Spanish verbs!  They also learned about the food and culture of Mexico and Latin America through activities, short videos, and lots of taste testing.
Many games were played to practice vocabulary including –
Papa Caliente (hot potato)                                 & Verlo (spot it)

A group of children sitting on the floor in a room AI-generated content may be incorrect.

A group of kids sitting at a table with books AI-generated content may be incorrect.

Some of the cultural activities included –
A club ofrenda for Día de Muertos                 & handmade tortillas from masa (ground corn)

Thanks to Angie Tabrizi, Diana Sullivan, and Maricella Nayeri for leading this club!
Laissez les bons temps rouler, Fernwood!  Three dedicated Montessori students went to the National Bakery during the wee hours of the morning to pick up King Cakes (no hate for pączki!)* to share with their classes today!  Dr. Maria Montessori did encourage the celebration of holidays to teach children to appreciate world cultures, to help mark the changing of the seasons, and to have an excuse to eat sugar (I made the last one up).  This appreciation of a paaaar-tay is officially part of the Montessori method and something we do in pursuit of a good time thoughtful pedagogy!  See below for some details on holidays in the Montessori classroom.

*Today’s Polish lesson is brought to you by our resident Polish expert and expat, Ms. Malgo!
One delicious Polish treat is a Pączek (pronounced pohnch-eck).
Multiple delicious Polish treats are called Paczki (pronounced puhnch-kee).