
Extracurricular activities help students explore career interests, develop new talents and skills, and make friends.

Students who represent Hawley Environmental School outside of their regular class time gain leadership experience and develop stronger school pride!

Contact our school’s parent coordinator or your child’s teacher to learn more about these opportunities:

Bucket Filling

Hawley is a bucket filling school! Bucket Filling is a program based on author Carol McCloud’s “Bucket Filling” series. Bucket filling is an easy-to-understand concept: “Everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds our good thoughts and feelings. When our buckets are full, we feel happy and when our buckets are empty, we feel sad.” Hawley teachers encourage, remind, and recognize students who work on this concept throughout the school day and year. Visit the Bucket Fillers website to learn more.

Resourceful Readers

Students keep track of reading time at home on a Resourceful Readers chart that parents sign and teachers review. Students who achieve reading milestones of 500 or 1,000 minutes receive special recognition at school.