Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Schools across the district and nation implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a three-tiered framework that builds on positivity and consistency to help:

  • Teachers develop and share expectations with students and families to maintain a safe learning environment for all.
  • Children develop self-discipline and foster community through positive behavior in school.
  • Teachers and families share the responsibility – and rewards – of fostering good citizens.

Hawley Environmental PBIS Expectations

The writing is on the wall at Hawley Environmental School as classroom and hallway posters colorfully, clearly state our PBIS expectations:

  • Be Safe.
  • Be Responsible.
  • Be Respectful.

Teachers and staff follow this framework by teaching these expectations to our students and rewarding students who follow them.

  • Students earn “Positively Hawley” tickets for following PBIS practices in the building. Tickets are entered into weekly prize drawings.
  • Each classroom has a “Positively Hawley” attendance chart. Classrooms that earn a month of perfect attendance win a prize.
  • Each student who earns a month of perfect attendance is publicly (positively) recognized.

Bringing PBIS from Hawley to Home

Practicing PBIS at home can include modeling and teaching these behaviors to children:

  • Ask instead of demand.
  • Say “please” and “thank you.”
  • Use eating utensils correctly.
  • Look both ways when crossing the street.
  • Do chores.
  • Walk up and down stairs; don’t run.
  • Clean up toys.

Positivity is key. Recognize your child’s positive contributions at home and in school whenever you can.