Positivity is powerful. Consistency is essential.
Hayes Bilingual School teachers and students work together to reinforce these beliefs through Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Schools in Milwaukee and across the country use the PBIS framework to promote safety and stability within a school community and support every student’s emotional and academic well-being.
Like other schools using the PBIS framework, Hayes Bilingual School staff customize, analyze, and revise our PBIS practices to reflect our school identity, build consistency, and recognize students for being great citizens.
Our PBIS Motto
Be respectful, be responsible, and be safe.
Our PBIS Expectations
- Students follow all school-wide expectations. Attend school daily and on time in uniform. Be prepared for school daily. Allow all students to be successful.
- Staff teach behavior lessons. Give positive feedback. Use pre-correction strategies. Engage in active supervision of all students. Proactively contact families of students who need more assistance.
- Parents and caregivers reinforce positive behaviors at home. Monitor student progress academically and behaviorally. Actively participate in your child’s education.
Our PBIS Progress
Ask your child about our PBIS mascot, Ravi Recycler.
Ravi Recycler reminds students of our PBIS motto. Incentives like Ravi tickets for the Ravi Store, field trips, school wide events, spirit weeks, and student of the month recognition puts the “positivity” in our PBIS framework.
Recognition comes from Hayes Bilingual School teachers and from the State of Wisconsin. In 2021-22 and 2022-23, our students earned a silver award for behavior from the Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center.