Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School will produce self-determined learners through an African American Immersion educational experience. We will utilize the arts as a tool and vehicle to raise dignity and equip all learners with the necessary skills for high academic achievement and pro-social behavior, preparing them for transformative engagement with our families and in their communities and world.
Kingian Values
Scholarship: We study to prepare ourselves for exemplary performance and aim for mastery in all subjects.
Peace: We practice and promote nonviolence through listening, dialogue, and reconciliation.
Justice: We take a stand against words and actions that harm others and work together to right all wrongs.
Equality: We honor the dignity of each person and work to provide access to opportunities for all to succeed.
Courage: We pursue our goals despite our fears and the threat of failure.
Community: We make room for all people, embracing their uniqueness and welcoming their support, ideas, and gifts.
Service: We give the absolute best of our knowledge, talents, and gifts to make our environment and our world better.
Restoring Hope in the Dream!
- We believe that all scholars will learn.
- We believe that change is necessary.
- We believe that all scholars must love and trust themselves.
- We recognize that it takes the entire community to raise a child.
- We value cooperation over competition and action instead of passivity.
- We understand that we must continue to embrace our African American heritage through the process of an Afro-Centered Curriculum.
- We believe that it’s our turn to change the world!