
At Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School, we understand parents and family are a scholar’s first teachers and parent and family engagement is valuable at every stage of a scholar’s learning journey.

Dr. King School leaders implement the Milwaukee Public Schools Family & Community Engagement framework so families and staff can collaborate to support scholars’ academic achievement and overall school progress.

Through the Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership, scholars, families, staff, and community members take a shared approach to school leadership and decision-making that puts our scholars and families first.

Parent, Family, and Community Resources

Parent Coordinator Laurie Grayson runs the Dr. King School Parent Center and publishes our school newsletter. Our Parent Center is open during school hours. Parents and family members can connect with Laurie Grayson at graysola@milwaukee.k12.wi.us or (414) 267-1500.

Community School Coordinator Angela Wigley runs our Community School Leadership Team, Youth Council, and maintains partnerships and resources that support families and scholars. Connect with her at wigleyat@milwaukee.k12.wi.us or (414) 267-1500.

District Advisory Council (DAC)

Families can stay informed on and share ideas about the district’s Title I programs and priorities during monthly council meetings. Each school sends two delegates to meetings; alternates may attend as well.

Family Leadership Organization (FLO)

Monthly meetings promote family engagement. FLO meetings are an important way to get involved at Dr. King School, ensuring parents and family members participate in discussion and decision-making that puts scholars’ needs first. Our FLO meets on the third Thursday of each month at 10 a.m.

Community School Leadership Team (CSLT)

Families join staff, students, community partners, and community members to identify needs and determine strategies to best ensure student and school success during monthly CSLT meetings. Our CSLT meets on the third Thursday of each month at 11 a.m.

CSLT members are responsible for creating a shared vision at Dr. King School. This involves identifying desired results through Community Conversations and helping align and integrate the work of partners with our School Improvement Plan to ensure every scholar is successful.

Events and Celebrations

Family events and cultural celebrations showcase our scholars’ creativity and scholarship. Watch our school newsletter and other communications for complete details. Dr. King School events are opportunities to meet other families, support our school, and learn about academic programs and resources that promote scholars’ academic achievement and overall well-being.

  • African American Teach-In
    A decades-long school tradition, the Teach-In brings African American role models and mentors to classrooms to discuss careers, community building, setting and achieving goals, and more. Mentors and role models share with scholars and network with each other. Family members volunteer during this February event.
  • African Countries Fair
    Every grade studies an African country for the entire year—geography, language and culture, economics, et. Scholars showcase their best work at our annual African Countries Fair, featuring a marketplace, menu, passport station, and activities that celebrate the continent’s many cultures.
  • Annual Awards Day
    Every May, we celebrate scholars who have contributed to our school as athletes, artists, leaders, and learners.
  • Black Film Festival
    February film screenings and discussions explore African American history and culture.
  • Cookies and Counting
    Monthly family engagement events like Cookies and Counting and Literacy Night highlight learning strategies and skill-building activities scholars use in our classrooms.
  • Dads on Duty
    This quarterly event brings dads and father figures to school for professional development and volunteer opportunities, lunch with scholars, art activities, and more.
  • Dr. King Birthday Celebration
    Partners at WestCare host a celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Food, trivia, and restorative-practices activities are part of this popular annual event.
  • Stomp the Yard
    Representatives of Black fraternities and sororities discuss setting and achieving college goals with scholars during this February event. Stepping demonstrations and activities connect scholars to the Divine Nine culture that advanced the civil rights movement and remains influential across college campuses and communities nationwide.

Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher

By staying in touch with classroom leaders at Dr. King School, you’ll be up to date on your scholar’s academic progress. Scholars feel extra motivated when they see leaders and families working as a team to reinforce high expectations and positive learning strategies.

Leaders at Dr. King School send progress reports to parents and guardians and hold conferences— one each fall and spring. We are ready to help our families with extra meetings or reports.

Here are some additional tips for building a strong parent-leader relationship.

  • Collect school and leader contact information at the beginning of every school year. You can find this information in our school newsletter, at open-house events, or use our staff directory.
  • Join ClassDojo or SchoolMessenger, digital communication apps we use to communicate with families. School leaders will provide login information based on what communication apps they use.
  • Attend conferences. Scholars are proud to “show off” their school and feel supported when leaders and parents meet during conferences. If a scheduled conference time doesn’t work for you, contact school leaders to reschedule or arrange a virtual appointment or phone call. Ask if your scholar should attend.
  • Sign up for the MPS Family Friday Newsletter.
  • Keep family contact information up to date and let us know if there are changes at home that may affect your scholar’s academic progress or well-being.

Supporting Your Child During the School Day

Family involvement leads to better grades, better attendance, improved test scores, higher self-esteem, and better behavior for children. Supporting your scholar’s success at Dr. King School includes practices and priorities like:

  • Make sure your scholar arrives at school on time every day (7:25 a.m.).
  • Call the attendance line when your scholar will be absent, at (414) 267-1500. We must be sure every scholar has arrived safely and follow up with any who are absent. We must also record absences correctly.
  • Make sure your scholar comes to school in uniform.
  • Become a Dr. King School volunteer by completing your Milwaukee Public Schools volunteer application.
  • We hold fundraisers for family events, school-improvement projects, and our athletics program. Watch our school newsletter for information on fundraisers happening throughout the year.

Supporting Your Child from Home

Routine and structure at home can keep your scholar focused on learning and can be enriching for your entire family. This includes reading to your scholar daily, ensuring they get nine hours of sleep nightly, and making sure they dress for the weather.

Other best practices to support your scholar’s learning at home and prepare them for a great day at school include:

  • Helping your scholar with homework. Have a quiet time and place for homework.
  • Exploring learning programs and games with your scholar. Login through Clever to find programs like Smarty Ants, My Path, Discovery Education, and Flocabulary.
  • Sending your scholar to school with a bookbag daily and checking the bookbag nightly. Pay special attention to the Tuesday folder.
  • Sign up for Campus Parent Portal to receive real-time updates on your child’s progress in school.