In our school, children learn in many ways: teacher-led discussion, time in nature, field trips, and online learning programs that can enhance classroom lessons. Our teachers are also students. They learn new approaches to early childhood, special, and bilingual education through programs like PIECE (Preparing Inclusive Early Childhood Educators).
Specialist teachers bring students with unique learning styles and diverse backgrounds together in weekly art, music, physical education, and restorative practice lessons so students learn to express themselves creatively and build community. During weekly visits to our library and media center, students develop research skills, explore global children’s literature, and read nonfiction books about nature and science.
Fifth graders leave Lincoln Avenue School feeling prepared for middle and high school and connected to the diverse cultures and natural wonders of our Milwaukee community.
Bilingual Education
Lincoln Avenue School welcomes families from Milwaukee as well as Mexico, Honduras, Colombia, and other Spanish-speaking countries. More than 30 percent of our students are English learners. Teachers follow the Bilingual Dual Language framework to help students achieve academic success in two languages.
- Bilingual English/Spanish: Students learn to read, write, and speak English and Spanish proficiently.
- English Language Development: Students develop literacy and proficiency in their native language of Spanish, while receiving support from English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers as they work toward fluency and literacy in their second language.
Whether students are working on reading proficiency in a monolingual or bilingual classroom, all children at Lincoln Avenue School are empowered to think of themselves as global citizens who can change the world.
Common Core State Standards
The curriculum in Milwaukee Public Schools is based on Common Core State Standards. These standards were developed with teachers, school administrators, and experts to prepare all children for college and the workforce.
Ambitious Instruction Plan
The Milwaukee Public Schools Ambitious Instruction Plan recognizes and celebrates that our students come from many cultures and backgrounds. This plan focuses on high-quality, culturally appropriate teaching and learning. Our goal is to ensure that every student develops reading, writing, and math skills in ways that are meaningful to their individual life and experiences. Our staff works together to understand each learner, find appropriate ways to assess and improve their progress, and make sure that students can apply what they have learned in productive ways in school and in their community.
Math and STEM
Class sizes are small from K4 to second grade through the Achievement Gap Reduction program. Teachers provide individualized attention as students learn, practice, and apply critical math skills. Our math specialist provides expert guidance to teachers in all grades, making sure they have access to district-level math education resources and can bring the newest math-ed research and online learning tools to Lincoln Avenue classrooms.
Reading/Language Arts
Class sizes are small from K4 to second grade through the Achievement Gap Reduction program. Teachers provide individualized attention as students learn, practice, and apply critical literacy skills. In K4 through fifth grade, teachers provide 90 minutes of reading, writing, and oral language instruction daily.
Lincoln Avenue teachers differentiate our reading/language arts program to meet the needs of English learners, advanced readers, and students who need additional literacy support.
- Amira – Amira marries speech recognition and artificial intelligence with the Science of Reading to deliver personalized and in-the-moment tutoring to students.
- Classroom libraries – Featuring collections centered on Black Lives Matter and First Nations histories and stories.
- Innovative Reading Enrichment Curriculum for students receiving bilingual, ESL, and special education services.
Art, Music, and Physical Education
Art projects offer students hands-on opportunities to explore school values like environmental responsibility and multicultural community. Students are proud to see their artwork displayed in our hallways and during celebrations.
Weekly music classes help students build math skills and develop their creativity and confidence as performers. These young musicians entertain the Lincoln Avenue community during school concerts, and perform in city-wide showcases like Cantos de las Américas.
Students attend physical education classes twice per week. “Day one, students learn the rules of a game or sport,” says Principal Damaris Ayala. “Day two, students are immersed in the game. They learn how to play as a team, be successful, get the win.”
Social Emotional and Restorative Practice Lessons
Students learn about building healthy relationships, setting and achieving goals, and identifying and managing their emotions through our Second Step curriculum. They learn calming exercises and communication practices that make Lincoln Avenue School a warm, welcoming, and safe learning community.
Special Education
MPS serves all children with disabilities, including cognitive, physical, emotional, learning, hearing, vision, and speech disabilities. Our special education teachers, regular education teachers, school social worker, school psychologist, and administration work together to meet students’ needs. Inclusion is an important part of this collaboration. As much as possible, teachers and staff bring all students together for classes and school-day events, so every student contributes to school life and leadership.
If you think your child has special education needs, ask your child’s teacher or principal for an evaluation. For general questions about special education or specialized services, please call (414) 874-8493, or learn more about Specialized Services.