Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Like all Milwaukee Public Schools, Lincoln Avenue School provides academic and social and emotional learning (SEL) opportunities that support a child’s overall well-being.

Social and emotional learning presents big concepts about self and society to students in age-appropriate ways: understanding and managing emotions, setting and achieving goals, and forming and keeping good relationships are some examples.

Milwaukee Public Schools uses the Second Step SEL curriculum for students from K4 through eighth grade. Our school offers additional programs and practices that support a child’s social and emotional development. We begin by building trust between student and teacher and school and home. A partnership between school and home supports a child’s academic and social and emotional development, especially when combined with family engagement, a strong school culture, healthy communication and calming techniques, and more.

Family Engagement

Parents are partners, and students perform better academically when their family is engaged in their learning. From volunteering in classrooms to joining our Family Leadership Organization, the parent voice is essential to discussion and decision making.

Lincoln Avenue School is a proud member of the Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership (MCSP). Community Schools are focused on the needs of families as students, staff, family members, and the community create a plan and seek ways to build a strong network of support. In our school, this network includes neighborhood-safety and nutrition programs, wellness workshops and family events that promote child and family well-being from home to school.

Restorative Practices

Respectful, inviting, problem-solving communication techniques and daily routines like sharing circles are used in all classrooms. Parents and community partners are learning and using restorative practices in school meetings and events. We learn together through Lincoln Avenue School’s participation in Milwaukee Public Schools Restorative Practices program.

Green and Healthy School

Lincoln Avenue teachers develop STEM lessons, as well as learning experiences in nearby parks, nature preserves, and waterfront areas that teach students how to care — together — for our environment. SEL lessons show children that being in nature promotes calm, inspires creativity, and brings people together.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Staff work together to collect data on student performance, attendance, and behavior. We meet monthly to review this data. Teachers, students, and families are empowered to identify solutions and implement strategies that maintain our school as a safe, positive, and peaceful learning community.

Mental Wellness and Mental Health Support

Students and families have access to intensive, on-site mental wellness programs and mental health services through our participation in the School Community Partnership for Mental Health.

We have a dedicated school psychologist, school social worker, and school counselor on staff, as well.