
Parents and family are a child’s first teachers, and we value your participation and partnership at Lincoln Center of the Arts.

When academic, attendance, and behavior expectations are consistent between home and school, students know teachers and families are communicating and cheering them on together. This partnership is motivating in the classroom and helps reinforce healthy academic and social and emotional development outside of school.

We implement Milwaukee Public Schools Family & Community Engagement framework so families and staff can collaborate to support individual student achievement and overall school progress.

Family and Staff Communication

Parent-teacher conferences happen twice a year, usually in October and March. Conferences are an opportunity to get to know your child’s teacher and stay up to date on their progress. Teachers send progress reports home, and we will always do our best to honor parent and family requests for additional conferences, meetings, or reports. A phone call or a brief note is appreciated if you can’t make a scheduled conference time.

Family Resources and Events

Parent and family engagement takes many forms at Lincoln Center of the Arts. You can connect through our Parent Center, open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. most school days. Reach out to Parent Coordinator Briana Nash at nashbn@milwaukee.k12.wi.us or ask the main office to direct you to the Parent Center.

Scholars shine and families connect through school traditions and cultural celebrations like our annual Black History Month and Jazz in the Parking Lot events. Our arts culture is so vibrant that we host three student showcases and two open-house events every year.

School Engagement Council (SEC)

Join our SEC to learn more about Lincoln Center of the Arts attendance, budget, and academic goals. Families and staff meet monthly to review our school’s progress. SEC members make decisions, and revise plans to support students as they work toward these goals.

District Advisory Council (DAC)

Families can stay informed on and share ideas about the district’s Title I programs and priorities during monthly council meetings. Each school sends two delegates to meetings; alternates may attend as well.

Supporting Your Child During the School Day

Family involvement leads to better grades, better attendance, improved test scores, higher self-esteem, and better behavior for children. Supporting your child’s success includes:

  • Making sure your child arrives at school on time every day (9:05 a.m.).  Remind your child that punctuality is important throughout the day, and they should be on time for every class.
  • Calling the attendance line when your child will be absent, at (414) 212-3300. We must be sure every student has arrived safely and follow up with any who are absent. We must also record absences correctly.
  • Completing your Milwaukee Public Schools volunteer application to become a Lincoln Center of the Arts volunteer.

Supporting Your Child’s Education at Home

Supporting your child’s learning at home can include:

  • Ensuring that your child gets the proper amount of sleep every night and eats right. It is important that our students be prepared to take on their day. By caring for your child’s physical, emotional, and mental health, you are ensuring that your child is ready to succeed in school.
  • Setting realistic expectations. It is always important to set standards to ensure that children are working towards attaining a goal. Make sure that these standards are realistic and attainable. By setting expectations, we can hold our students accountable for their education.
  • Reaching out. We understand that there are often obstacles that affect families. We are here to help. If you would like to talk to a school counselor, psychologist, or social worker, please reach out. Our goal is to collaborate with parents and families to build a strong support network for our students.