
At Lincoln Center of the Arts, we are grateful for the educational opportunities, unique perspectives, and new experiences made possible by our generous community partners.

A strong support network helps prepare students for a successful transition to high school.

Artist in Residence

Bob Danner is a master printer, potter, and stained-glass artist who maintains studios at Lincoln Center of the Arts and Roosevelt Creative Arts Middle School. A Milwaukee Public Schools artist in residence since the 1980s, Danner has been a creative guide and mentor to thousands of Milwaukee youth beautifying their schools with large-scale installations and individual works.

Mr. Danner works with students in our visual arts classes and artist-in-residence studio. Workshops and projects offer hands-on training and art-making in beginner stained glass, screen printing, and digital photography.

Danceworks, Inc.

Founded in 1992, the mission of Danceworks, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is to enhance joy, health, and creativity by engaging the community through dance. Danceworks artist-teachers bring innovative, educational dance programs to Lincoln Center of the Arts, which provide additional performance and physical education opportunities to our students.

Urban Ecology Center

The vision of the Urban Ecology Center is to inspire generations to build environmental curiosity, understanding, and respect, restoring hope and healing our urban natural world, neighborhood by neighborhood. Lincoln students visit the Urban Ecology Center for field experiences.

Wisconsin Community Services (WCS)

WCS is a nonprofit human services organization that provides access to a continuum of services for individuals facing challenges with justice system involvement and behavioral health needs, as they bridge the gap between where they are today and where they would like to be. WCS brings the Violence Free Zone program to Lincoln Center of the Arts.