School Engagement Council (SEC)

School climate and culture and student enrichment are on the agenda for Parent Teacher Associations and Organizations district-wide. School policies, procedures, and student well-being are the work of School Engagement Councils, established in Milwaukee Public Schools in 1997.

The Riley Dual Language Montessori School Engagement Council meets the third Thursday of the month from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

School Engagement Council members are volunteers who care about Riley Dual Language Montessori School and our students. The council’s decision-making authority is both advisory and influential as members:

  • Analyze school climate, performance, and budgetary issues.
  • Advise school faculty and administration on matters affecting curriculum, student performance, and overall student well-being.

Participate in our School Engagement Council:

  • As a voting member. Contact Maritza Rivera, parent coordinator, at to learn about membership.
  • As an informed community member. Attend an open meeting.