
Supporting students’ academic performance, classroom engagement, college and career goals, and overall well-being are the focus of these evidence-based programs in place at River Trail School of Agricultural Science.

Junior Achievement of Wisconsin

We have a strong partnership with the Junior Achievement of Wisconsin program, which inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy. Junior Achievement of Wisconsin provides activities, guides, field trips, and other resources to share lessons on leadership, career preparation, money management, and more. Lessons are organized according to the Milwaukee Public Schools Social Studies curriculum and are implemented in K5 classrooms, continuing through eighth grade.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Schools across the district and nation implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a three-tiered framework that builds on positivity and consistency to help:

  • Teachers develop and share expectations with students and families to maintain a safe learning environment for all.
  • Children develop self-discipline and foster community through positive behavior in school.
  • Teachers and families share the responsibility and rewards of fostering good citizens.

River Trail School PBIS Expectations

In our school, “Stinger Spirit” is strong when students practice and prioritize River Trail’s PBIS expectations:

  • Be Respectful.
  • Be Responsible.
  • Be Safe.
  • Be Prepared.

Weekly assemblies recognize and reward three students and one teacher for modeling River Trail’s four “B’s,” while reminding our school community of the many benefits of following our PBIS framework. These include a safe and productive learning environment for all, understanding how to “name and tame” emotions of all moods and sizes, and school-wide pride and positivity.

Students who demonstrate their PBIS best earn “dollars” they can spend at the Stinger Store, open three days each week.