
Ask any educator and they’ll tell you: There is no better feeling than seeing a former student return to their alma mater to share a success story, say “hello,” or volunteer.

South Division alumni, we extend a warm “Welcome back” to each of you. Attend a Milwaukee City Conference basketball game in our renovated fieldhouse. Enjoy a stroll around our restored outdoor track. Watch our calendar for the next cultural celebration. There’s always a good reason to return to campus.

The South Division Alumni Association is your connection point for volunteer opportunities and alumni networking. Contact Ty Moseler at for more information.

Alumni Association Mission

“To support South Division, its students, faculty and its alumni by furthering the highest standards at South Division; by seeking out, informing, encouraging and assisting the young men and women of South Division; and by initiating and sponsoring activities which will perpetuate the history, traditions, memories and growth of South Division High School and bind alumni together in support of the highest ideals of citizenship and education.”