
Families are our most important resource in the Escuela Vieau community.

Students perform better and enjoy school more when parents and guardians participate in their schooling.

We are fortunate to have a dedicated parent coordinator, Maria Espinosa, on staff to answer questions about parent engagement, family events, and school resources. You may contact her at espinomd@milwaukee.k12.wi.us or (414) 902-6176.

We encourage our families to share ideas with school staff, volunteer in their child’s classroom, and participate in the school’s decision-making through parent organizations and workshops. Please join us. We enjoy getting to know our Escuela Vieau families at school events like:

  • “Desayuno familiar” on the first Friday of each month
  • Make-It, Take-It reading, math, or craft workshops
  • School Engagement Council meetings – every third Thursday at 5 p.m.
  • Special family- and student-centered programs and assemblies.

Supporting Your Student

Family involvement in school leads to better grades, better attendance, improved test scores, higher student self-esteem, and less need for disciplinary intervention. To help your child succeed at Escuela Vieau, try following these tips at home!

  • Make sure your child arrives at school on time every day (9:10 a.m.)
  • Call the Escuela Vieau office when your child will be absent, at (414) 902-6100. We must be sure every student has arrived safely and follow up with any who are absent. We must also record absences correctly.
  • Ensure that your child gets at least nine hours of sleep every night.
  • Dress your child appropriately for the weather. Please tell us if your student needs a coat or other outerwear.
  • Check your child’s bookbag every day for homework or important messages.
  • Help your child with homework. At home, have a quiet time and place for homework.
  • Read with your child every day.
  • Volunteer in the classroom.
  • Ask how you can join our field trips.
  • Become an active member of our parent organizations.

School Participation

  • Serve as a parent volunteer
  • Join our Title 1 Parent Advisory Committee
  • Join our School Engagement Council, which meets the third Thursday of every month at 5 p.m.
  • Participate in hands-on workshops for parents and families
  • Take part in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Take parenting classes
  • Attend school events, such as our Mother’s Day celebration, holiday concert, and parent-teacher conferences
  • Create and distribute flyers and letters
  • Take advantage of counseling and referral resources

Classroom Participation

By offering classroom assistance during the school day, parents help teachers manage their work and provide individualized instruction to students. Parents can contact the Escuela Vieau parent coordinator to volunteer, or learn more about volunteering with MPS.

To enhance the classroom experience at Escuela Vieau:

  • Listen to children read in the classroom
  • Read to children in the classroom
  • Help design and decorate bulletin boards
  • Tutor children
  • Accompany classes on field trips
  • Help with scheduled activities
  • Staple and collate papers
  • Assist in the lunchroom or on the playground
  • Share information about your culture, career or talents.