Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework we use at Washington High School of Information Technology to create a climate where students feel respected, responsible, and ready to do their best work.

Clear and consistent expectations form the foundation of our PBIS framework.

  • Be safe.
  • Be responsible.
  • Be respectful.

Staff and students develop best practices that reinforce expectations. By following this framework, students work toward academic, attendance, and behavior goals.

An effective PBIS framework cultivates a positive and supportive learning environment for all students by:

  • Building relationships and community,
  • Establishing school-wide expectations,
  • Providing opportunities for skill development,
  • Implementing systems of accountability, and
  • Establishing systems of acknowledgment.

Schoolwide PBIS provides an operational framework for effectively reducing classroom disruptions and student suspensions, while also increasing student achievement.

At Washington, students are offered the opportunity to participate in this decision-making framework as members of student leadership teams and through schoolwide Community Conversations. Incorporating the voice of all stakeholders creates a strong sense of belonging for students, staff, administrators, and the community, which prepares students to reach their academic and career potential.

Incentives play a key role in PBIS. The “Freshman Bucks” system rewards students for following PBIS expectations. Washington also hosts monthly events to incentivize positive behavior and create fun, memorable moments for students.