My name is Elhadji Thierno Drame Ndaw. I am originally from Senegal, the westernmost country in Africa. I speak four languages: French, Wolof, Spanish and English. I am deeply passionate about education.
Thank you for visiting Wedgewood Park International School. As Wisconsin’s first authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP), we are extremely proud to offer a rigorous world-renowned education for children enrolled in Milwaukee Public Schools. We have talented teachers who use the district’s five priorities along with the IB/MYP requirements. As a result, we embrace excellence in education. We know that the world wants to see our children excel and be of service to others. We also know that we are a complex and complicated world; as a result, we will do what is needed to make sure that our children attend classes every day and are challenged by our dedicated teachers. Our IB units and the five MPS priorities will be our foundations as we tackle this undertaking.
Wedgewood Park International School would like to officially welcome you and your child to our community of learners. We hope that you and your family have had an enjoyable summer and will meet us as we start the new school year with excitement and joy. We are excited to meet all students and parents, as we believe you play one of the most important roles in your child’s educational success.
As a member of the Wedgewood Park family, we would like to share some highlights from last school year with you as we strive to move from good to great:
- A rigorous curriculum based on the IB Framework and Milwaukee Public Schools vision.
- A sustained enrollment due to a committed staff and visionary leadership.
- A strong governance council that supports Wedgewood leadership.
Our IB program will prepare your child for any high school you are considering by equipping them with the skills, knowledge, dispositions, and attitudes needed to excel. We specifically partner with Ronald Reagan College Preparatory High School and Rufus King International High School to ensure students interested in an IB diploma are ready for the challenging opportunities these two high schools provide.
In addition to an IB curriculum, we also take great care and consideration in having one of the safest middle schools in the city. From block scheduling, students grouped in “families,” to requiring all students to be escorted from class to class by their teachers, our students are safe and orderly throughout the school day. As an educator, I see educating children as a calling and all 700+ students have a right to an education that allows them to be world citizens.
We are about transforming lives and shaping the vision of Milwaukee Public Schools. We walk the walk by having all our teachers trained as IB teachers; I am the school leader, Head of School, and am also an IB educator. I conduct workshops for IB, consult schools that want to be IB world schools and visit schools that are applying to be authorized or evaluated every five years. IB is dear to my heart because it has transformed me into a better human being. Your children will also be more human, more caring and more understanding of others.
Our teachers have engaged in book study to explore ways of bettering the education of all children.
- Mathematics teachers are reading “Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom,” by Pamela Seda and Kyndall Brown, featuring a foreword by Gloria Ladson-Billings.
- Regular ed teachers are reading the updated edition of “Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom,” by Lisa Delpit, featuring an afterword by Herbert Kohl.
I encourage you to browse this website and if you still have any questions about Milwaukee Public Schools, the International Baccalaureate or would like to visit our school, please feel free to call for a tour. One of our dedicated staff members will show you Wedgewood Park International School.
Elhadji Ndaw
Principal of Wedgewood Park International School
(414) 604-7805