Developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and intercultural communication skills are key to the IB experience. Wedgewood Park International School is an IB-authorized provider of the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
Per the International Baccalaureate, Wedgewood Park International School teachers are required to be trained in the IB curriculum. They carefully integrate state academic standards within the IB framework to prepare students for success in college, career, and citizenship, which is the heart of the Milwaukee Public Schools mission.
Common Core State Standards
The curriculum in Milwaukee Public Schools is based on Common Core State Standards. These standards were developed with teachers, school administrators, and experts to prepare all children for college and the workforce.
Ambitious Instruction Plan
The Milwaukee Public Schools Ambitious Instruction Plan recognizes and celebrates that our students come from many cultures and backgrounds. This plan focuses on high-quality, culturally appropriate teaching and learning. Our goal is to ensure that every student develops reading, writing, and math skills in ways that are meaningful to their individual life and experiences. Our staff works together to understand each learner, find appropriate ways to assess and improve their progress, and make sure that students can apply what they have learned in productive ways in school and in their community.
Bilingual Dual Language and ESL Programs
Wedgewood Park offers a bilingual dual language program that brings together students from Milwaukee and beyond: Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras. Students can experience other cultures while pursuing excellence in their IB MYP studies in Spanish and English. The bilingual, biliterate brain continues to develop during adolescence. We encourage students to continue their journey to dual-language proficiency in high school.
Wedgewood Park International School provides ESL services to English learners in the bilingual program.
- Learn more about MPS Bilingual Dual Language Programs
- Learn more about MPS English as a Second Language services
IB MYP Curricular Framework
Our IB MYP curriculum spans eight subject groups. Students receive at least 50 hours of teaching time in every subject group, every year. Eighth graders also complete the MYP Community Project, a longer-term opportunity to collaborate and pursue service learning through inquiry, action, and reflection.
According to IB: Students develop through creating, performing and presenting arts in ways that engage and convey feelings, experiences and ideas.
Visual Arts at Wedgewood Park: Students develop an appreciation for their cultural heritage and personal histories while exploring arts traditions from other cultures. Art projects allow for creative decision-making and solutions, while exploring the study of IB concepts such as identity, communication, and personal expression. Students develop their art-making skills in a wide range of art media and materials, reflecting on the work they create through the development of a portfolio of work.
Performing Arts at Wedgewood Park: Students are introduced to music terminology and learn to read and write music: composing metered rhythms using the proper count and musical characters and working across diverse musical genres. Multiple performance opportunities are available in our band, choral, and orchestral ensembles. Content, teaching approaches, and assessments in our music curriculum support the learner profile in terms of building inquiry and knowledge, developing critical thinking skills, as well as the practice of reflection. Students become open-minded communicators who understand music as a universal language.
According to IB: Students apply practical and creative thinking skills to solve design problems, explore the role of design in both historical and contemporary contexts, and consider their responsibilities when making design decisions and acting on them.
Design at Wedgewood Park: Students explore computer science and design curriculum in our Project Lead The Way laboratory. Through project-based learning experiences, students learn about digital citizenship and Internet safety. They learn to use computer hardware and software, analysis, and teamwork to solve engineering challenges in courses such as:
- Computer Science for Innovators and Makers (6th grade)
- Design & Modeling (7th grade)
- Automation and Robotics (8th grade)
Students develop stronger word processing, research, and communication skills that help them work through problems, find solutions, and share results. Applying these skills to their final project, students grow as IB inquirers, independent thinkers, communicators, and risk takers. The design-cycle experience prepares students for advanced high school courses and encourages them to become principled and open-minded global citizens.
Individuals and Societies
According to IB: Individuals and societies incorporates disciplines traditionally studied in the humanities, as well as disciplines in the social sciences.
Individuals and Societies at Wedgewood Park: Our curriculum spans continents and centuries as students debate what it means to be a knowledgeable citizen, further their thinking abilities, and remain open-minded to other ways of looking at cultures. They read, analyze, and respond to novels, speeches, and primary documents from Southeast Asia to the Civil Rights Era, seeking commonalities between their own and other cultures. As students move through the curriculum, they collect and organize data, draw inferences and conclusions, and use divergent thinking to explore more complex issues. Equipped with skills and knowledge to solve problems and make informed decisions as global citizens, students organize and share their thoughts in analytical, thesis, and research-based assignments.
Language Acquisition
According to IB: Studying a new language provides students with the opportunity to develop insights into the features, processes and craft of language and the concept of culture. Students realize that there are diverse ways of living, viewing and behaving in the world.
Language Acquisition at Wedgewood Park: Students have the possibility of learning either French or Spanish during their time at Wedgewood Park. As they learn a new language, students build relationships between languages and cultures and truly embrace the IB principle of “international mindedness.” Language studies include an exploration of Spanish, Latin American, and Francophone cultures’ music, film, architecture, literature, and politics. Communicating in English, Spanish, and French presents vast educational and professional opportunities to students.
“Learning to speak another’s language means taking one’s place in the human community. It means reaching out to others across cultural and linguistic boundaries. Language is far more than a system to be explained. It is our most important link to the world around us. Language is culture in motion. It is people interacting with people.”
—Sandra J. Savignon “Communicative Language Teaching” (1983)
Language and Literature
According to IB: Language is central to the development of critical thinking. Critical thinking cultivates intercultural understanding and responsible membership in local, national and global communities.
Language and Literature at Wedgewood Park: Students read and discuss literature from diverse cultures and genres: short stories, eyewitness accounts, poetry, plays, and novels. Learners respond to texts in guided essays, creative writing, and research papers. Discussing ethical and moral issues and making personal connections between what they know and what they read, students use inquiry, open-minded communication, critical thinking, and reflection to take responsibility for their own ideas and learning.
According to IB: MYP mathematics promotes both inquiry and application, helping students to develop problem-solving techniques that transcend discipline and that are useful in the world beyond school. The MYP mathematics framework encompasses number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability.
Mathematics at Wedgewood Park: Students learn that math can be practical and personal, flexible, and multicultural. Mathematical processes become opportunities for problem-solving and community-building. Students design surveys and games, convert recipes from other cuisines and cultures, and use volume and surface area to explore the environmental impact of food packaging and pricing. These activities require learners to take risks and demonstrate flexibility as they experiment with multiple strategies and tools: manipulatives, graphic organizers, and calculators. Students propose solutions and show their work in written responses and group presentations, becoming math communicators and critical thinkers.
Physical and Health Education
According to IB: Physical and health education empowers students to understand and appreciate the value of being physically active and to develop the motivation for making healthy life choices.
Physical and Health Education at Wedgewood Park: Through engaging activities and lessons, students develop basic skills that are transferable to other situations: teamwork, self-motivation, critical thinking, and reflection. Working independently and in teams, students become effective problem solvers who can set realistic goals as well as evaluate personal and group progress.
According to IB: The MYP sciences framework encourages students to investigate issues through research, observation, and experimentation, working independently and collaboratively.
Sciences at Wedgewood Park: Students make connections between scientific concepts and real-world issues. Sustainability, technology’s impact on society, and health trends local to global are units of study and problems to solve. Students become investigators, data analysts, researchers, and intercultural communicators who design experiments and collaborative projects that promote teamwork and interpersonal skills, essential for scientific discourse. They develop critical thinking skills to analyze data and evaluate outcomes. Through a framework that values inquiry, collaboration, and real-world application, students develop a comprehensive understanding of scientific principles that prepares them for the academic and societal challenges ahead.
Special Education
Wedgewood Park teachers can adapt the flexible and inclusive MYP framework to meet a student’s unique needs and maximize their talents and abilities. Our special education teachers, regular education teachers, school social worker, school psychologist, and administration work together to support a student’s full participation in all IB classes and projects. Per IB, all special education students have access to the content, curriculum, and delivery of the IB program.
If you think your child has special education needs, ask your child’s teacher or principal for an evaluation. For frequent questions about special education or specialized services, please call (414) 874-8493, or learn more about Specialized Services.