Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) Program
The Achievement Gap Reduction program provides intensive academic and instructional support to Wisconsin schools working to close the achievement gap between kindergarten through third-grade students from low-income backgrounds and students in the same grade and subject statewide. Schools that receive AGR funding implement key strategies in their kindergarten through third-grade classrooms:
- Small class sizes of 18:1 or 30:2
- One−to−one tutoring provided by a licensed teacher
- Instructional coaching for teachers provided by a licensed teacher.
Artists Working in Education (A.W.E.)
Artists Working in Education, Inc., sponsors professional artists to nurture the imaginations of Milwaukee children by bringing creative visual arts experiences directly to schools, community centers and informal settings such as parks, playgrounds and community events.
A.W.E. artists guide children through the process of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Hands-on art activities with professional artists help children develop new ways of seeing the world, enhanced inquisitiveness, creativity, flexibility, imagination, and confidence. A.W.E. believes children deserve the opportunity not only to look at art, talk about art and write about art, but to create art.
Bloom Art and Integrated Therapies Inc.
LaFollette students receive trauma-informed art therapy on an as-needed basis working with Bloom Art and Integrated Therapies practitioners. Experienced art therapists, Bloom practitioners work from an anti-oppressive, anti-racist standpoint.
Junior Achievement of Wisconsin
We have a strong partnership with the Junior Achievement of Wisconsin program, which inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy. Junior Achievement of Wisconsin provides activities, guides, field trips, and other resources to share lessons on leadership, career preparation, money management, and more. Lessons are organized according to the Milwaukee Public Schools Social Studies curriculum and are implemented in K5 classrooms, continuing through eighth grade.
Playworks Wisconsin
Playworks Wisconsin has given kids foundational skills for success on the playground, in the classroom, and in the community. Playworks Wisconsin is the leading organization that leverages play to promote healthy behaviors and increase social and emotional learning, at recess and throughout the school day.
In 2023, Playworks Wisconsin ensured more than 23,000 children in 64 elementary schools and youth serving organizations across Wisconsin – including LaFollette School – experienced safe and healthy play, including over 700 educators and youth professionals trained statewide. Over 1,000 Wisconsin kids serve as Junior Coach student leaders on the playground by leading games and modeling positive sporting behavior for their peers.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Milwaukee Public Schools uses the evidence-based PBIS framework to promote positive student behavior. After years of use, districts across the country – MPS included – are reporting increases in student achievement, more positive school environments, and fewer classroom disruptions and disciplinary referrals.
PBIS uses a three-tiered approach. Tier one teaches expectations to all students and promotes collaboration and consistency in the classroom: Teachers and students co-design agreements and routines that align with school expectations. Tiers two and three provide structure, interventions, and follow up for students who need more support.