Green and Healthy Schools

Students learn about the earth’s four systems – land, water, living things, and air – during standards-based STEM lessons at H.W. Longfellow School.

Green & Healthy Schools LogoDuring project work and play in our redeveloped schoolyard, students develop a deep, hands-on understanding of how the earth’s systems interact, and human impact on the natural world.

Longfellow School’s redeveloped schoolyard, exciting earth-sciences curriculum, and cleaner greener campus are supported by our participation in state and regional environmental education partnerships.

Working with the environmental education nonprofit Reflo, and city and regional partners as a member of the Green Schools Consortium of Milwaukee, we have:

  • Replaced 70 percent of our schoolyard asphalt with all-new green space, a greenhouse and rainwater harvesting system, outdoor classroom, and athletic field.
  • Recharged the Longfellow School Green Team, comprised of our 65 teachers who lead lessons and projects, so students learn about earth science while proudly, carefully maintaining our redeveloped schoolyard.

Working with the departments of Natural Resources and Public Instruction through Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin, we earned Sprout School status in 2018, and are committed to:

  • Researching and reducing our school’s environmental impact.
  • Improving school and community health and wellness.
  • Strengthening environmental and sustainability literacy among our students, families, and community.