Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Longfellow students meet expectations on our school report card (2017-23) and earn recognition for achievements in behavior, mathematics, and reading from the Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center.

PBIS: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports logoHow do you measure student behavior? Longfellow is one of more than 25,000 schools nationwide implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). This three-tiered framework guides, reminds, and reinforces school-wide practices and priorities that promote respect, responsibility, and emotional and physical safety for all.

PBIS at School

By establishing an equitable, tiered system of supports, Longfellow School teachers and staff:

  • Increase consistency of effective instruction,
  • Develop knowledge and skills to equitably support all learners,
  • Use data to proactively identify and provide support for students, and
  • Create a positive culture that nurtures relationships with students and their families, and communities.

PBIS at Home

Parents and caregivers, ask your student(s) about PBIS. At conferences or school events, ask teachers how they implement PBIS in the classroom. At home, you can support Longfellow School’s climate of respect, responsibility, and emotional and physical safety for all by:

  • Reinforcing positive behaviors,
  • Participating in your child’s education, and
  • Monitoring your child’s progress academically and behaviorally.