Principal’s Message

Welcome to H.W. Longfellow, a bilingual community school. We want to thank you all for choosing Longfellow.

Longfellow has been recognized by the Wisconsin RTI Center and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction as a school that meets the needs of all students and meets expectations on its state report card in 2022-23 and 2021-22. We continue to focus on developing our students’ core academic skills through engaging lessons and purposeful partnerships.

Principal Cerda

We redeveloped our schoolyard to support our students and our community. Improvements include more space for children to play, native plantings, a new green house and rainwater harvesting system for Longfellow’s gardens, and flexible outdoor areas for environmental and arts education. Our school is proud to be part of the Green Schools Consortium of Milwaukee and a partner of the environmental education nonprofit, Reflo. Their support made our redeveloped schoolyard possible.

In 2023-24, we continue to partner with organizations that provide our students with valuable opportunities to be true change agents and contributors to our community, including: Arts @Large (visiting artists), Ernst & Young, Children’s Wisconsin (school nurse), Hunger Task Force, Journey House (educational enrichment and recreational programming), and Wisconsin Reading Corps (kindergarten through third-grade reading coaches)

We invite you to stop by or contact our school at (414) 902-9800.


Mrs. R. Cerda-Castañeda, Principal
Longfellow School Class of 1980