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Weekly E, 03/12/2025

In this Weekly E - A (longish) note from Ms. Jenni Dogs Bikes Lead Screening Clinic Pick-up Dismissal Reminders Conferences MPS Bus App Jaguar Sports Spot Iron Tiger Tri Academic Testing Letters Summer Academy registration is LIVE Community Corner  Troop 15 seeking...

Enroll Today for a Fun-Filled Summer with MPS Summer Academy!

Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for families to start planning fun summer activities! Milwaukee Public Schools is again offering Summer Academy, and registration is open now. Summer Academy provides Milwaukee youth with exciting adventures,...

Lead Screening Clinic on 3/15/2025

Click here to view the forms and fliers regarding the Lead Screening Clinic on 3/15/2025.

New MPS Superintendent Begins March 15

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved the contract for the next superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools, Dr. Brenda Cassellius, in a special meeting Tuesday, March 4. Dr. Cassellius, who was selected by the board in February after an extensive public...

Weekly E, 03/05/2025

In this Weekly E - Thanks & Celebration Pick-Up Reminders! Parent/Teacher Conference New Superintendent starting March 15 MPS Rolls Out Bus App Celebrating All Abilities Resource Fair MPS Rec Bike Bazaar Forward Exam Letter Spring Testing Calendar Extended...

Weekly E, 09/25/2023 -ACTION REQUIRED!

September 25, 2023 | News, The Weekly E

Hello MAM Community-

Your action is REQUIRED RIGHT NOW to RE-SUBSCRIBE to The Weekly E. 

Please use this link to complete the subscription process:

In working to resolve the SPAM box issue it was revealed that our contacts list was corrupted.  It required a total scrubbing of our list and with that – YOU MUST RE-SUBSCRIBE at this time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation- the latest edition of the Weekly E was delayed due to this bit of a debacle… you can view it here: 

Thank you for your understanding and action-

Ms. Jenni

Click to view the latest edition of the Weekly E, subscribe or view past issues.