
Maryland Avenue Montessori School is grateful to our community partners for their ongoing gifts of time, services, resources, creativity, and collaboration.

Boswell Books

Our neighborhood independent bookseller, Boswell Books, supports Maryland Avenue Montessori in many ways. Every December, Boswell hosts the Maryland Avenue community shopping event. Families come to the store to shop, read, and snack in their pajamas. Boswell Books donates a percentage of that day’s total sales back to our school so classrooms can restock their libraries.


Annually, Reflo works with partners including Milwaukee Public Schools, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, the City of Milwaukee, the Fund for Lake Michigan, Community Design Solutions and others to support Milwaukee-area schools in an intensive, collaborative process to design and then redevelop greener, healthier schoolyards.

Each redevelopment project is tailored to the specific needs and enthusiasm of the school’s community but often involves replacing seas of asphalt with green infrastructure including bioswales, rain gardens, and trees as well as outdoor classrooms, improved recreational facilities and arts opportunities. Designs go beyond removing pavement to maximize benefits for communities, the environment, and local economy.

Wisconsin Montessori Association

Established in 2010, the Wisconsin Montessori Association supports teachers, parents and Montessori schools in Wisconsin by advocating and informing stakeholders through professional development, school wide support services, conferences and parent education and advocacy.