
Black History Gallery Night

February 27, 2025

Feb. 27: Black History Gallery Night: Celebrating the Arts – 5:30-7:00pm  

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Primary families with students in rooms 10, 12, 13 & 15 - please review the updated schedule and information BELOW which now includes room 13 in the Ella Jenkins tribute performance!  Thank you!

Self selected students in grades 7 & 8 wll be drumming and dancing in the gym about 6:20ish.


Attention PRIMARY FAMILIES WITH STUDENTS IN rooms:  10 (Ms. Tanja), 12 (Ms. Stephanie), 13 (Ms. Alissa) and 15 (Ms. Taylor).

  • Students who plan to perform should be dropped off at the classroom between 5:30-5:38pm. 
  • Families will then go and sit in the gym.    
  • Teachers/staff will lead the classes down and they will take the stage and do their performances in the following order: 12, 10, 15 & 13
  • The teachers/staff will lead the students to the stage, they will perform and then follow their teacher/staff to enjoy the other performers before being reunited with families.
  • All classes will enjoy all performances with their teacher/staff member.  
  • Announcements will be made to facilitate getting your child.
  • We will be turning the gym over for the 7 & 8th grade dance and drumming after rooms 12, 10, 15 & 13 sing. It is important to make a swift reunification with your child and then move on to enjoy the rest of the exhibits around the school.


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