Family Resources

Family Leadership Organization (FLO)

FLO meets regularly for family members to discuss issues and successes. Family members lead the meetings, so that family voices are included in school decisions.

Parent Resource Center

Families can meet with our parent coordinator in the school’s Parent Resource Center to find support and services. The Parent Resource Room is open throughout the school day for families to have access to donated items, to help maintain and beautify our building, and to learn ways they can become more involved.

FAST (Families & Schools Together)

The FAST® program promotes the potential of every child and empowers parents. It trains our school staff to work with families on their child’s education and well-being, creating a welcoming environment for all.

Strong Baby Sanctuary

Strong Baby Sanctuary by Hephatha Lutheran Church is a well-baby and parenting-skills program for new and expectant mothers. It’s also for families with children younger than 12 months. Participants hear from guest speakers and learn how to take care of their infants. Strong Baby Sanctuary provides diapers, formula, clothes, bottles, and other key supplies. Participants receive water-filtering pitchers and filters so their children are not exposed to lead in tap water.

Project RETURN

Project RETURN supports our families by helping individuals overcome barriers created by incarceration. This program helps participants make a successful, positive, and permanent return to their families and our community. Project RETURN services include employment assistance, housing placement, addiction counseling, and group support.